
答:get through:度过,熬过(困难或不快的时期) 英文释义:If you get through a difficult or unpleasant period of time, you manage to live through it. Al began to drink to help him get through. Al以酗酒来熬过痛苦的日子。 这和你找到......

答:1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...


答:1.In Taishan, to buy things he could buy a car, but where the adults have to go to work, similar to the pedestrian street of the business district of Taishan, in my living here, we should take the bus and then change to red line subway to reach, full 45 minutes or so...

答:any [5eni]adj.任何的, 任何一种, 所有的 pron.无论那一个, 任何 any [5enI]adj., pron.什么;无论哪一个 You can buy sugar at any big store.你可以在任何大商店里买到糖。根本没有 I haven't any money.我一点儿钱也没有。(用于否定句)任何一种 This isn't any ordinary fish....

...意思 1.侄罔()然而止 2.使()侄录之 翻译句子意思 丞相熟视久之,亦...
答:一、文言文词语解释 1、侄罔(wǎng,迷惘,茫然)然而止。2、使(让、叫)侄录之。二、翻译句子 丞相熟视久之,亦不自识。张丞相认真地看了很久,自己也不认识自己写的草书了。以上字、词、句都出自北宋惠洪的《冷斋夜话》,原文是:张丞相好草书而不工。当时流辈,皆讥笑之。丞相自若也。一...

答:I firmly believe that knowledge to change the fate of efforts to change the result, so I work every day.I am confident that I will succeed, because I do not give a statement.Us, fighting for their own ideals.We are, in order to work towards the expectations of their parents...

答:handsome有英俊的、美观的、大方的意思。handsome 英 [ˈhænsəm] 美 [ˈhænsəm]handsome作(形容词)1、handsome主要用来形容男人英俊潇洒,仪表堂堂,眉清目秀,使人产生美好、欢快的感觉。2、间或也可形容女人清秀端庄,体态匀称,举止文雅。3、handsome几乎不指...

答:1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.美国人对于太阳有种狂热的信仰,他们相信阳光能治愈慢性疾病,...

...下面的句子吧。谢谢了、只要将我说出的意思翻译出来就行了。有改 ...
答:1、我的家乡在(某某)地(某某不用翻译),夏天的时候炎热多雨,冬天的时候干旱少雨,没有特别冷和特别热的天气,属于四季分明的类型,我喜欢这样的类型,感觉很不错。My hometown is in xxx,It's hot and wet in the summer,dry and cold in the winter,not too hot,neither too cold....


{宇陈锦19450183543} 在线翻译几个英语句子 ______ 没有用翻译工具,我自己造的! 1. I want some water. /i want to drink some water. 2. I want to buy a bottle of water. / I would like to buy a bottle of water. / I am looking for a bottle of water. 3.I want you to buy me two bottles of water. / I want to ask you ...

{宇陈锦19450183543} 英语句子翻译 - ______ in another moment这是时间状语,也可以放在句尾. 重点是down went Alice after it,这是倒装句.表示方向的副词(如down,up,out,in,off,on,away等)或拟声词(如bang,crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除...

{宇陈锦19450183543} 翻译英语句子,在线翻译免进!谢谢! - ______ 现在评判美国不是说它做了多少好事,而是它在危机来临的时候采取的应对措施多好. 可能到他生命截止的那天,他在地球上留下的痕迹也不会比石头掉进水里留下的痕迹多.

{宇陈锦19450183543} 英语句子在线翻译 - ______ make a stay 指的是停留下来; make a stop 指的是停一下.

{宇陈锦19450183543} 英文句子在线翻译 - ______ 人们在笑人们在哭,有人放弃有人却总在尝试,当一些人说bye bye 的时候一些人说hi,别人可能会忘记你但我永远不会.句子的最后掉了一个 I

{宇陈锦19450183543} 汉译英在线翻译句子 - ______ The new Eastern school, in November, 1993 constructed the school, from most second day 30 students, sole study abroad test training, rapidly expand into collection study abroad test...

{宇陈锦19450183543} 一个英语句子的翻译,在线等 - ______ 我说我会给她弄一张公交时刻表的时候,她告诉我没用,因为她看不懂.她说她去超市的时候也会遇到困难,因为她总是记不住她需要什么.get是给...带来 的意思

{宇陈锦19450183543} 在线英文翻译句子翻译 - ______ 基地发射极电流偏置利用独立评估办公室的voltageVBB产生抗性的再保险公司, 30Ω直流反馈,交流反馈10Ω ,集电极谐振电路电容82pF和负载50Ω .输出采用变压器耦合输出,中东自来水的阻抗匹配.

{宇陈锦19450183543} 英语句子翻译 ______ Economic developed population of more than 7000 million population of less cultivated land area of more than 10 million square km is the duty of every citizen to later generations, but also reduce the need to arable land has poor in natural resources

{宇陈锦19450183543} 翻译句子,汉英互翻译 - ______ This question is difficult to answer. 你需要花时间和他们相处