
跪求 商务英语口语900句 中文翻译
答:商务英语900句 1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 2 I'd like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。3 I'd like to reserve...

答:“敷面膜”的英文 :apply a facial mask apply 读法 英 [ə'plaɪ] 美 [ə'plaɪ]vt. 申请;涂,敷;应用 vi. 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求 短语:apply now 立即应用;马上申请;在线申请 ...



答:这句话是我们英语口语中常用的,所以我知道,很熟悉哦~~ 【中】你是要去哪里? 【英】Where are you going? 翻译答案解析: 这句子主要明确时态,要去哪里是一个未发生的事情或者动作,所以翻译的时候要使用将来进行时(这个句子比较特殊...

答:can be used.3、 可迅速地补充身体所丧失的液体或血液。can quickly replenish the body fluid or blood loss.4、 静脉营养品的输注。intravenous nutrient infusion.~~~纯人手翻译, 欢迎采纳~~~...

答:没搞完呢 后面这哥们发上来了 善始善终吧 你双向参考着更好 不过还是把英语发音学好吧 统共就那么些发音 用汉字表音怎么也是多数不太准确的 Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。 否楼买侬子 Cheap skate! 小气鬼!吃扑...

答:5. 我想和你多多的讲话来提高我的英语口语,哪里讲错了请不要介意 I’d like to talk with you more to improve my oral English, please don’t mind if I make any mistakes when talking.6. 怎么称呼您?How ...

英语一些 口语句子 翻译
答:久不见!你好!1,2 Is it/this free?Is it/this free of charge?Is this no-charge parking?Is it/this on the house? (on the house = 免费 ,这个表达不适用于停车场)Is parking complimentary here? (...

答:第一个对话 B顾客:我一个月前买了一个真皮皮包,但现在已经坏了,这是什么质量?我要退货.A店主:我可以答应你给你一个新货 B顾客:换一个也是会坏,我现在只想要退货 翻译:〔B customer〕:I bought a leather ...


{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 急需! ______ Fathers seldom say "I love you" 父亲们很少说"我爱你" Though the feeling's always there, 虽然那份感觉一直都在那 But somehow those three little words 但不知道为什么这小小的三个字 Are the hardest ones to share. 却最难与人分享 And ...

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 简单 不要用翻译器Spent about 5 days at Scarlet. As a couple, we did not mind the small room for its cosiness and appreciated the fact that it ... - ______[答案] 我们在Scarlet大概花了五天时间.作为一对夫妻,我们并不介意小小的房间,因为它的舒适,并且我们很感激这么一件事,它不是面对着道路,因为交通车辆将会给参观此地区的人们制造高分贝的噪音.但是这个小小的地方对我们的行...

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 简单急用 不要用翻译器The taxi drivers never know where the place is. The best description is: Next to China town, near the MRT and the Indian ... - ______[答案] 翻译成中文吗? 出租车司机绝对不知道那个地方在哪.这个地方应该是挨着中国城(China town),在捷运(MRT)和印度清真寺附近.每个新加坡人都知道这个地方.这是一个坐落在市中心的饭店!这个饭店的风格很特别,我在其他地方从来没见过....

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语翻译翻译成英语口语:1.为什么会遇上他!2.那我只好坑你一顿(饭)了~3.(点菜时)真麻烦,把好吃的都拿上来吧~ - ______[答案] 1.为什么会遇上他!! Why did I meet him? 2.那我只好坑你一顿(饭)了 So you must invite me to a dinner(请人吃饭一般是晚餐). 3.(点菜时)真麻烦,把好吃的都拿上来吧~ Forget those steps,just bring us the delicacies! 自己翻译的,不过楼主...

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英语口语,一定要简洁简单!:“我只有三句话,这是第一句.第二句是我爱我现在的生活.第三句是感谢大家给予我这样的生活!” - ______[答案] I just have 3 words I love my tlife. thanks all for your help to give me this life!

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 ______ I'm kindergarten worker, I am twenty years of age, I graduated from rugao normal school, my hobbies is dancing, harps, painting, singing with telling stories. I love children, I now is in the harbour city nursery school work, I often with children play games.

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 ______ 1 Please accept appointment to the window test. 2 look at the big screen, if license information on your name, please go to window for XX license 3 id original and photocopy

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译 在线等明天要面试,请求英语口语好的人帮助,如下我的爱好是画画(drawing the pictures),事实上,它是我的一技之长(特长).不要用软... - ______[答案] My hobby is drawing .我的爱好是画画 In fact,it's one of my extra speciality 事实上,这是我一技之长.

{谷瑞吴15929771718} '口语'用英语怎么说'英语口语'用英语 - ______ 口语 [词典] colloquial language; colloquialism; spoken language; oral language; [例句]将会特别强调口语训练.Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.

{谷瑞吴15929771718} 英语口语翻译、在线等 - ______ 1、Excuse me, do you come to hangzhou tourist? 2、We are high school students, to come out and do a little research. 3、Could you write your impression on Hangzhou on this paper, p...