
答:英语面试口语情景对话范文 随着国际化贸易的发展,越来越多企业对应聘者的英语口语能力非常重视,在情景面试的时候,如何与考官流畅的进行英语对话交流呢?不妨提前做好面试准备,了解以下英语面试口语情景对话大全内容。英语面试口语情景对话 篇1 通常在面试时,英语面试对话如下:A(求职者) B(面试官)A:...

答:A: Good morning. Do you like travelling?B: Of course. I can broaden my horizens in travelling.A: Where would you like to travel most now?B: Jiuzhaigou Valley.A: Why do you want to go there?B: Because the scenery in Jiuzhaigou is very famous and beautiful.A: Any other ...

答:A: 很高兴见到你,史密斯女士。我应约来面试。I: 你吴先生吧?A: ,我。I: 我也很高兴见到你。找我们公司困难吗?A: 没,我对这带很熟悉。面试英语情景对话 1.Are you hiring?你们招人吗?2. I saw your ad* in the paper and wanted to apply for the job.我看到你们在报纸上登的广告...

答:口语是英语学习中的重要组成部分。虽然近年来教育工作者们越来越多地意识到其重要性,也为之改进了教学方式,并取得了阶段性的成果,但传统的应试教育和以语法为中心的教学方法仍然没能彻底改变学生和老师们弱化口语学习的现状。我整理了,欢迎阅读!篇一 Mr.Clarke: I like the coat.How much is it?我...

求两分钟左右的 两人英文对话 期中口语考试要用 两分钟 不要太短哦...
答:曾志揚 采纳率:64% 来自:芝麻团 擅长: 教育/科学 学习帮助 英语考试 英语翻译 历史话题 为您推荐: 二人英语对话3分钟 大学口语考试对话 英语对话 两分钟 英语情景对话 两分钟英文对话 英语两人对话带翻译 英语日常对话 一件难忘的事英文对话 英语对话短文两人 英语口语对话 其他...

答:A:Good morning B(你同伴的名字).It's a nice day,a ha ?B:yeah.The sunshine is warm.But I've heard a piece of bad mews and now i feel very sad.A:what's wrong?B:It's my uncle.He is so young but...his health is badly broken because of his hard working. A:...

答:简单商务英语口语情景对话二人,简单商务英语口语对话很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!简单商务英语口语对话一:A: I don't believe we've met.B: No, I don't think we have.A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.A: 我们以前没有见过吧...

答:2.汽车的弊大于利 世界上任何事物均具两面性,人类的聪明处在于趋利避害,尽可能利用和扩大其有利的方面,回避和缩小其不利之处。当前人们对待汽车时态度亦如此。The world everything has two sides, human wisdom is that draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, as far as possible the...

答:英语情景对话不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,还可以有效调动学生积极参与到活动中大胆地进行对话,这对于培养学生口语交际能力起到了积极的作用。我整理了关于两人简单的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于两人简单的英语对话篇一 T: hi, Betty.what's up?你好,贝蒂.最近怎么样?B: nothing special. how about you? Are...

答:哦,楼主,看好了!A:hello,B.Where did you go on your holiday ?B:I went to Harbin.A:Oh!There are beautiful?B:Sure!A:How did you go there?B:I went by plane.A:What did you do ?B:I went skiing,went ice-skating and made a snowman.A:How did you feel?B:I was ...


{伏肺忠15722078900} 英语要考口试,规定是情景对话,两人一组,内容是(student A failed in a job interview.and fells - ______ B: Hello A: Hi B: you look sad, what's wrong?A:I failed in my job interview.B:I 'am sorry to hear that. You should forget it.A: you know I have prepared a lot for it. I thought I would get the job.B: Come on! That's all right, nobody can find a job at once. You ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 英语口语考试,要求:设计一段2个人的对话,每人2,3句就行了.题目如下: - ______ A:Hi,happy to see you here.B:Me too. Which major are you?A:I'm English major. what about you ?B:i'm Chinese major. How about have lunch together?A:Ok.let's go.

{伏肺忠15722078900} 求一篇两个人的英语对话(口语考试) - ______ 山人自导自编的,呈上,笑纳: A:Hey,Dream,I miss you?what's going on these days?looks so upset! B:Hi,Lucy,How are you.I really miss you much, too,it 's really boring stay in bed room all days,no Internet,no electronic from our building. A:Oh,my ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 帮忙编一段两人英语对话,2分钟左右,口试用. - ______ 设计情景对话,要确定对话双方的身份.我简单“脑布”了一个场景,有关于一个同学上周感冒在家呆了一周,家里路由器不好使,无法上网,特高兴回学校的故事,可以用于同学之间课余闲谈,两人分别为 Student A, Student B. Student A: ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 英语口语考试,两人对话 - ______ a what do you thinkof happiness? b i think that happiness is when you feel delighted and relax. a i agree. when do you think you have happiness? b when i am with my parents, i feel happy. especially when we travel together. i think that is happiness. ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 英语口语对话 面试场景 - ______ ①I:what is your major? A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in“Marketing”. ②I:Which university are you attending? A:I am attending***University.③I:Have you received any degrees? A:Yes. First, I received my ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 英语口语情景对话关于求职面试的口语对话 - ______ 主要是introduce your self

{伏肺忠15722078900} 帮我写初二英语口试稿,很简单的,2人对话 - ______ A: Hello Nancy. B: Hello Tom. A: How are you? B: I am fine. A: What are you going to do when you grow up? B: I want to be a writer. A: Is this your dream? B: Yes, it is. It's my biggest dream. A: Why do you want to be a writer? B: I think it is good to ...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 2人英文情景对话 - ______ 1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你. 二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手.但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这...

{伏肺忠15722078900} 2人英语情景对话(至少十句,少于15句) 题目在补充图片 - ______ A:hey,i saw you and your boyfriend the other day at the Smith'. B:that ' s true . is that the first time you see my boyfriend? A:it is.How much do you love your boyfriend ,i mean,don't you think he is a little bit too old for you? B :well,i don't think that ...