
答:英语口语常见话题 1 1、Talk about the inventions There are many inventions in the world. Most of them are very useful . And the most useful invention is” bulb”Bulbs give the light to the people. And many many yeas ago , Cailun invented the paper and it is used by many people now ...

答:应试对策:每天用英语叙说身边事 首先要重视《初中学生英语口语等级测试训练材料》。熟读并背诵该材料所提供的30篇短文、200多组简单对话、20段情景对话和20个话题。 因为在进行口语测试时,主考教师将在《初中学生英语口语等级测试训练材料》所提供的短文中,选取一篇作为朗读测试材料,选取5组简单对话作为回答问题,选取一...

答:【篇一】英语口语演讲小短文欣赏 If you have a small child in your life, "Letters from Heaven" is a wonderful new tradition you can start for your family that will last for many generations. 如果你家的孩子现在还很小,那么不妨试试一个名叫“天堂的来信”的新创意,而且还能代代相传。 Susie ...

答:13、Can you tell me five subjects you study at school? 英语口语考试话题(九): 人际关系:Interpersonal relationships: 1、Who is your best friend? 2、Do you have any brothers sisters? 3、Are you happy at school? Why? 4、What do you think of your parents? 英语口语考试话题(十): 家庭、朋友...

答:英语口语文章短文篇一 As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered...

答:【 #英语口语# 导语】近年来,英语继续教育的快速发展极大地促进了中国全民英语水平的提高,同时也推动了社会的繁荣进步。以下是由 整理了关于职场常用英语口语对话,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】关于职场常用英语口语对话 AIt's very nice of you to invite me.你真是太好了,请我来做客。BI'm very gl...

答:【 #英语口语# 导语】目前,众多高职院校开设了商务英语口语课程。但学生的英语口语表达能力与市场需求还存在一定的差距。以下是由 考 网精心收集了关于英语口语对话小短文加翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 【篇一】关于英语口语对话小短文加翻译 Mom: When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and...

答:1.英语口语考试的常见话题 1.what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car,etc? 2.where do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why? 3.what role does music play in your life? 4.can you tell something about your hobby...

答:1 Todd: OK. Steven, you're looking at a picture. Please describe what you see!Steven: Uh, I can see a red double decker bus. It's the kind of bus you'll see very often in London. In fact I know this bus is from London because I can see the names: Chelsea, Sloan...

答:【 #英语口语# 导语】随着全球化趋势的日益加强,国际间交流日趋频繁,英语作为国际通用语言的作用凸显,社会对从业人员的英语口语应用能力也提出了更高要求。 整理了英语口语小短文,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】有关英语口语小短文 You want to know the secret to success? Here it is:你想知道成功的...


{孔径魏17887134592} 跪求推荐英语口语的话题素材大全 - ______ 《李阳疯狂英语脱口而出》 《大家说英语》 《英语900句》 平时多操练,熟能生巧,以上书本都很好.

{孔径魏17887134592} 生活常用英语口语话题? - ______ 生活常用英语口语话题?作为英语专业毕业生 我就来给你推荐几本吧:英语900句:这是最基础的口语了,如果能把句子倒背如流了,就可以举一反三,口语不在话下 重点推荐老友记:不单是要看视频,可能的话连书也一起买了,你就不停的肯,那些都是最原汁原味的,把十本书翻坏了,你绝对是英语高手.试试rebootEnglish的英语口语教程:不是很贵,就买来看看吧,里面对纠正发音语调是很有帮助的.最重要的还是要多说、多练,多到口语角去把你学的都卖弄出来,最后祝你成功.

{孔径魏17887134592} 求英语口语对话短文,急 ______ women A:hi,wangfang,I want to ask you a question. B:say. A:are you proud of being a moman today? B:yes ,I am. A:Do you think the status of today's women are changed? B: yes,I agreed with you . A: how do they changed? B: you konw ,in the ...

{孔径魏17887134592} 英语口语考试话题 ______ You want to join the basketball team in your school. You are walking on the hallway when a man running faster and hit your shoulder. You get angry and push and yell at the man. But your friends came fast to you and told you that man is the head ...

{孔径魏17887134592} 谁有英语口语中级的12个话题的短文 ______ 天气夏天It is very hot in the summer.people dont like going out on summer afternoon because the temperature is high.sometimes it is raining after sun,that is cool!maybe on a summer night.it is thunder and lightning.it is make people scary,and ...

{孔径魏17887134592} 英语口语题目 ______ 1.My father is an engineer. He works in a big company. He goes to work by car.My mother is a housewife. She works hard.She cooks meals for us and she helps me wash my clothes. They love me .I love them very much too.2.I have a big garden ...

{孔径魏17887134592} 英语口语话题作文.以下这些题目 - ______ 6I think manners should be just right for the purpose.We ,Chinese,named it "中庸". What we don't want to be treated with,what we shouldn't treated others.

{孔径魏17887134592} 求一篇英语口语文章 内容在下面 200词左右就好 谢谢了 - ______ Before a person becomes an excellent English teacher, he has to become an outstanding teacher first. To be such kind of teachers, we need to remember that our goal is to make students grow up with good education in a healthy study environment....