
答:Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority" and see how that feels. Often that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it:与其说“我没有时间”不如试着说“...

答:You want to know the secret to success? Here it is:你想知道成功的秘诀吗?下面我就告诉你:Believe in yourself so much, that no one else can tell you otherwise.要足够相信自己,这样就没有人能对你指手画脚了。Also doubt yourself so much, that you feel like no matter how hard ...

答:Mom: When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and I are waiting…你什么时候回家吃晚饭,亲爱的?孩子们和我在等着呢。Kevin: Mom, Lizzie got my Spiderman.妈,厉子拿了我的蜘蛛侠。Lizzie: He picked the fight. He called my names.他先挑起的。他骂我。Mom: Lizzie, Kevin....

英语口语考试短文 [英语口语对话短文范本]
答:英语口语对话短文范本1 Tom:Hey, can you pass me that magazine?喂,能把那本杂志递给我吗?Linda:Which one? This one here?哪本?这本吗?Tom:Yeah. The one with the article about celebrity rehab scandals on the front.对,就是那本封面上有名人**丑闻文章的。Linda:Ugh, I can'...

答:英语口语文章短文篇一 As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered...

答:关于英语口语励志小短文篇1 让自我价值增倍 A mulberry leaf touched by a genius of man becomes silk; a field of clay touched by a genius of man becomes a castle; a cut of sheep’s hair touched by a genius of man becomes clothing for a king.桑叶在天才的手中变成了丝绸;...

答:简单英语口语对话短文【1】 C=Customer S= Salesperson C: Excuse me, I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?顾客:对不起,我正在找休闲短袖衬衫,你可以告诉我它们放在哪里吗?S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?店员:先生,...

答:【英语口语考试简单对话】1.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?My name’s Chen Jie. 我是陈杰。2. Let’s go shopping. 我们一起去逛街咯。Ok/Great!. 好的!3. This is John. 这是John。Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。4.How are you? 你好吗?Fine,thank you. 很好,谢谢。5.Have...

答:【篇一】英语口语演讲小短文精选 "Never stop BELIEVING because MIRACLES happen everyday!" “永远不要停止‘相信’,因为奇迹每天都会发生!” Around six months after our son Todd's death, our younger son Brandon (then almost three) began stuttering. Brandon and I went for a walk each night, and...

答:简单日常聊天英语口语对话短文1 p: wow, what a big meal! mmm. smells so good.l:so help yourself!p: what should i start with?l: perhaps the spicy sliced beef.p: oh,it is spicy. my mouth is burning.it must be sichuan cuisine.l: yes. the sichuan cuisine is known ...


{路昆妹17820152904} 30分!急!!!求英语口语小短文!!最好原创 - ______ Do you like fashion clothes As a youngster,I definitely enjoy buying and trying on new clothes.It's natural for someone my age to have interest in it.The colourful outfits seem to give me the joy that effect my day.When dressed in fashion,I feel like that I ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 英语口语练习.需要一篇简短的小短文和根据短文回答的2个问题以及答案.短文最好是某著名的景点.超级感谢 - ______ 既然是口语,非常重要的一点就是要勤开口敢开口.当然,练习口语是有很多方法的.如果你是一个人,建议多听听英文歌曲,可以跟着学唱培养语感.也可以把一些经典电影剧本或台词打印下来反复诵读和模仿.为什么不建议诵读名人演讲嘞,因为有些名人可能演讲是在特殊的时代背景下,不太符合我们当前的语用习惯.如果有同伴,建议开展辩论,不要采用聊天形式.因为聊天内容有限,并且浮于表面,不能真正提高你的思辨能力也就没法提高语言表达的能力.最好的练习,还是要有语言环境啊,跟外国人交流,真是比较能进步.希望对你有帮助.

{路昆妹17820152904} 英语口语考试题目,跪求高手帮忙编写下,三分钟就可以的小短文,谢谢,回答就给分! ______ 4. It is advisable for students to travel to remote areas during the summer vacation. This gives them an opportunity to explore the world by themselves. Through this they can learn many new skills such as : how to take care of themselves, teamwork ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 求一段用于英语口语测试的小短文.300词左右.what kind of pet do you like best?Why? - ______ I like my green cheek conure. the best bird on the planet. he's always there for me. when i'm happy he's happy. when i'm sad he comforts me. when i'm sleepy or cold, he snuggles up to my neck and tries to warm me up. and he has no idea how small ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 求一篇英语口语短文 ______ we all know that in front of us is jobs and careers,of course there will be a lot of challenges.how will we face the challenges will decide our career failure or success.hope for the best,of course,this is very important,because it will bring us the optimism,...

{路昆妹17820152904} 英语口语考试~ 小短文 - ______ I am a high school student, my junior high school life could soon be over, in this last semester, I would work harder, strive for tests when get good grades, don't live up to what his parents and teachers to my expectation Christmas Eve me with their ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 求英语口语短文,急求英语口语短文,题目分别是音乐,运动,健康,食物.小弟英语很菜,文章要短. - ______[答案] 音乐: I like music very much.And my favourite music is pop music.Like the other young people,I like listening to my favourite music in my spare time.With the MP3 or computer,I enjoy the music when I have time. 运动: Sport is very important in our life.If ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 求一个初中英文口语的小短文 ______ Youth Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth means a ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 求关于练习英语口语感想的英语短文 - ______ I have practiced English pronunciation for 3 years.I learnd it by listening tapes,watching English movies,even talking with foriengers.But it is really uesful.And I read English every day.From my practiced English pronunciation's experience,I known ...

{路昆妹17820152904} 英语小短文练xi ______ Well my evening was spent Wonderfully. Starting from friday evening. My friends came over, we swam and danced and kind of partied. On saturday i came online, did some stuffs... (on nairaland and some websites).... I went to the mall with my ...