
答:1, the information shows that 40% of about 60% of people with dental caries, in which children suffer from dental caries rate is as high as 70%.2, the incidence of dental caries are many reasons, but the diet and eating habits is one of the most important reason.3, in ...

请教几个翻译,英译中! 要求1:不要GOOGLE和任何工具翻译的 2:要求顺口...
答:本人英语专业硕士在读,真心诚意,全手工翻译:1、He spends two hours on the internet, although he is very bussy.2、If i were you, i would accept their invitation.(这句是虚拟语气)3、To put problems in words is easy, but hard to put it in action.(这样翻译句式既简洁又对照)...

答:大学英语作文怎么写,以下这些句型很重要,学好这些句型,以后你的作文生涯就一帆风顺了! 大学英语作文写作常用的47种高级句型 1)主语+ be closely related to …. (与……息息相关), 例如:Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关。 2) 主语+ get into the habit of + V-ing = ...

答:1. With the rapid deverlopment of the society, people began to pursue a quick life style.2. The tail gas sent from the car will cause air pollution.3. Too many cars will cause traffic jam, which makes people's travelling inconvenient.4. Save the energy and protect the ...

翻译:我再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不为过 急求 要用高级句型
答:I cannot emphasize the importance of protecting environment

答:◆From the picture we will know...◆The graph can tell us...

答:When I was a little boy(girl), I heard my parents sang a lot. As time goes by, I was influenced by the environment around and fell in love with singing gradually.


我担心的是他不能好好照顾你 英文翻译 尽量高级一点,高级句式
答:①What I'm worried about is that he can't take care of you well.②What I'm worried about is that he can't give you good care.

答:1.The most unforgetful thing to me is the sense of being approved.2.What I am most obsessed with is the smell of the wind.3. What I lack most is confidence and self-control.4. I firmly believe that it will glitter if it's real gold.5. On it I'm working, ready to ...


{羿彭富13884511026} 寻 专业英语团队 帮忙翻译几个高级点的句子 拒绝直译 谢谢 ______ you'll have your head handed to you你将对你的生命负责. ou could't punch your way out of a paper bag你软弱无力 yellow streak up one's back 你胆小如鼠 leaving one's mark on the world死后留名 you're in good hands 你将受到好的照顾

{羿彭富13884511026} 人们围在一起吃团圆饭英语高级句式翻译 - ______ All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner. 不知道能不能帮到你

{羿彭富13884511026} 英语高级翻译进!!~~~ - ______ He has a "cold" (muscle gradually atrophic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lu jia reye's syndrome, imprisoned in a wheelchair) up 40 years old, but he handicapping volunteers, no residual, overcome the disabled to become the international physical ...

{羿彭富13884511026} 用高级句式翻译英语.谢谢大神!!! - ______ 1. The bridge was destroyed in the flood last year has been repaired again. 2. To our surprise, the mountain have a temple. 3. Is my disappointment, he failed in the exam. 4. Because has not been sent to hospital in time, the old man died of a heart ...

{羿彭富13884511026} 翻译并用上高级句型 1:当雾霾天气来临时在防护措施方面,学校应该暂停体育课,学生平时应该少开门窗, - ______ “ When the haze approaches, the following protective measures need to be done: the schools should suspend the P.E lessons; students should leave the doors and windows closed and they should drink more water and eat more fruits." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

{羿彭富13884511026} 需要一个好点的英语口语网站、还个需要一个英标网站. ______ 爱词,旺旺,红枫.沪江. 这几个不错. 还有这个,有外国老师.和他们对话感觉很好.嘿嘿. http://ok.englishia.com.cn/apply7/还可以免费测试英语等级.

{羿彭富13884511026} 我现在想学英语 哪个网站比较好 - ______ 你好: 我是一个高考的过来人,虽然高考多年,但直到上了大学,英语依然没有丢,我现在也快大学毕业了,前段时间有个哥们写英文简历都是叫我帮他翻译的呢!当然我是很乐意做这样的工作的,因为我一直都很喜欢英语,对英语的自信从未...

{羿彭富13884511026} 求高手翻译成英语,不高级的别来,急!!! - ______ I often go to some websites where I can find lots of sources of learning English, especially the Hujiang English site. This website provides me numerous interesting stories in English and lots of pretty useful sources shared by others, both of which are ...

{羿彭富13884511026} 英语高级点的翻译 ______ The specialist's pain is that, no qualified opponent is available, so that there's no breakthrough unless holding the challenge. Being in a good team, even if not outstanding, but he can catch up on base of discipline from his own and the teammates. ...