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Thanks for your wishes .It’s our duty to take care of every baby. Our teachers have had classes that were so cute and clever.I wondered how are we going totake this group in several months from where they are to where they need to be.Maybe it was difficult. We always get their family members' support and understanding. Thank youIn the following days,we will raise the self-esteem of every baby and their academic achievement together. May every child grow up happily and healthily and every family be happy every day

His inborn ______deficient__ in speech was overcome through his painstaking diligence in training himself to become an outstanding speaker.


(乜和孙17162882793)在线英汉互译 - ______ 我们可以用can 还有 could 来表示某件事的可能性.could相对于can来说可能性较小.当我们说什么事情在过去有可能发生的时候是要用could的.不过要记住的是,我们不可以用can或者could来表示将来有很有可...

(乜和孙17162882793)英汉互译 - ______ A.66. 但是你得一个人在家67.我可以用西红柿蛋汤填饱肚子.68.I learnt to cook when I left my home.69. (许多青少年)直到上大学才学会生活技能.70. Many teenagers depend on their parents too much.B

(乜和孙17162882793)百度在线翻译英文 - ______ 季节,太阳 (特里插座) 再见,你我值得信赖的朋友 我们都知道对方,因为我们是9或10 我们一起爬上山和树木 得知爱和一架B C的 皮肤我们的心和我们的皮肤膝盖. 再见我的朋友,很难死 当所有的鸟类...

(乜和孙17162882793)英汉互译在线翻译INVENT - ______[答案] invent英音:[in'vent]美音:n'v?nt]及物动词 vt.1.发明,创造He invented a new type of stethoscope.他发明了一种新型听诊器.2.捏造,虚构We must invent an excuse for being late.我们必须编一个迟到的借口....

(乜和孙17162882793)汉译英在线翻译器 - ______ (2)Formulate solutions, issued a notice. To ensure this activity organized, planned smoothly, prevent ai and provincial health education has formulated the 2009 college students and youth in Shanxi Province on AIDS prevention program of zhou ...

(乜和孙17162882793)汉译英在线翻译 ______ 可是我遇到你不是偶然

(乜和孙17162882793)英汉互译 - ______ chicken winga little bottle of cokereach

(乜和孙17162882793)在线翻译 - ______ However,as winter holidays in the Alps became more and more popular,so did the idea of a truly intermational Winter Games.The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix in 1924,though they we...

(乜和孙17162882793)英语英汉互译 - ______ 4. successful 6. ask 7. understanding 8. quickly 9. ability 10. useful三、讲英语爱上查阅做笔记共同的pay attention toconnect...with...一点一点地而不是发现to increaselearnerto walk...

(乜和孙17162882793)英语在线翻译 ______ in the livingroom