考虑下我 用英语怎么说

考虑一下我:Consider me.

think about me;
give consideration to me
take me into consideration



Do you a girlfriend? If not, why not consider my sister?
你有女朋友 吗 ?要是没有的话, 何不考虑一下我妹妹?

Consider my offer and call me back later this afternoon.

I beg ( of ) you to kindly reconsider my request.



第一种:Think about me .

第二种:Take me into consideration .


please take me into consideration.


(向爱韦15076237371)“这太突然了,给我点时间,让我好好考虑一下“用英文怎么说?地道一点的. - ______ Woud you please give me more time to consider it in details because it's so sudden. 译文:你可否给我一点时间容我好好考虑仔细了,因为(这件事)它太突然了.

(向爱韦15076237371)英文怎么表达?我会考虑一下的? - ______ I'll think about it.这个对!

(向爱韦15076237371)我在考虑下一步要怎么做用英语怎么说 - ______ I am considering what to do next 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听. 希望能帮到您

(向爱韦15076237371)给我几个小时考虑一下这件事用英语怎么说 - ______ 给我几个小时考虑一下这件事 Give me a few hours to consider the matter

(向爱韦15076237371)用英语怎么说我要考虑一下?我要考虑一下用英语怎么说 ______ i need to think about it 如果能帮到您,请好评一个,谢谢

(向爱韦15076237371)我在考虑下一步要怎么做用英语怎么说 - ______[答案] I am considering what to do next 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听. 希望能帮到您

(向爱韦15076237371)我也会向管理层提及此案综合考虑下一步方案的英文怎么说 - ______ I'll submit this plan to the management, and will consider the next step

(向爱韦15076237371)我真的是毫无理由的真心喜欢你.所以为你做什么我都愿意,永不后悔用.英语咋说请不要用翻译器谢谢,考虑下语法 - ______[答案] Frankly,I love you for no reason.So i am willing to and regretless to do whatever i can for you.

(向爱韦15076237371)怎样学好英语并说一口流利的英文 - ______ 要想学会英语,其实说难不难,说易不易.难的是有没有恒心去“用”而不是学,易的是要从一句不会说到满口流利的英语只需要一年. 结合了我多年的学习英语的经验,发现为什么很多人都觉得英语难学,或者学不会的原因主要就是因为学习...

(向爱韦15076237371)"她正考虑下一步要干什么"用英语怎么说 - ______[答案] She is thinking about what to do next.