
3、v.翻译; 译; 被翻译; 被译成; (使)转变,变为;
4、[例句]All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies.所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。
5、[其他]第三人称单数:translates 现在分词:translating 过去式:translated 过去分词:translated

(闻轰厚15848347471)翻译英语 - ______ 1.finish drawing these pictures2.ask (sb.) for help

(闻轰厚15848347471)英文翻译 - ______ His life experience plays an important role in his academic career. it was not until 2 years after he came to London that he found a job in an international bank. He appreciates her sympathy a...

(闻轰厚15848347471)英语翻译~~~ - ______ live to```same as```find it is/was interesting to do sth.sth. happen to sb.a venenous frogweight of ```is about six elephants play with fire is dangerous

(闻轰厚15848347471)请帮我找一个中文翻译 用英语怎么说? - ______ Would you please find a Chinese translater for me?请帮我找一个中文翻译

(闻轰厚15848347471)英语翻译~ - ______ 1 youth volunteer association .2 compulsory education group .3 blind.绝对正确选我吧我最快

(闻轰厚15848347471)英语翻译....... - ______ Young adult filmmakers all hope to show their works in international festivals like Sundance and Toronto. 年轻的制片们都希望在国际电影节上展示他们的作品.But what about really young fil...

(闻轰厚15848347471)怎样翻译英语 - ______ 一,首先对英语的句子结构非常熟悉,英语的简单句共有五种句型,掌握这五个句型,那些再难的句子都不在话下了,归根结底都是这五个句型,我列举下吧(大家习惯说谓语,其实就是谓语动词,因为只有动词才可以充当谓语): 1). 主...

(闻轰厚15848347471)英语翻译 - ______ It's all messed up!What's wrong with you?/What's the matter with you?/ Are you out of your mind?It's none of your business/affairs. Butt off!/ Leave me alone!Do...

(闻轰厚15848347471)英语翻译 - ______ “你做得很好,”那商人说,“我只有一个问题问你,你讲的是什么外语?”那狗看着他,笑了,然后说:“(拟声词,猫叫声miao)”