

Where did you go on holiday? I went to New York City.


Did you go out with anyone else? Who did you go with No, no one's here. Everyone is on holiday.


Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. No, I didn't buy anything.


How about the food? Everything tastes really good!


Are you all having a good time? Oh, yes. It's great.







(詹类滢13990243013)中文翻译成英文的方法? - ______ 机器翻译一般都是直接翻译~把每个单词的意思翻译出来~所以翻译出来的东西经常不符合英文的顺序~会出现错误~老外会看不懂~ 至于地址翻译英文和中文正好相反~中文通常把最大的翻译前面~比如你说的那个句子~而英文是把小的放在前面~要把这个地址里最大的江门市放在最后~如果没有单词能代表这种产品~就可以用多个单词表示~你这个就是用紫砂的英文单词加上蒸汽锅的英文单词就可以了~

(詹类滢13990243013)中文句子翻译为英文 - ______ i don't care about those bookshe was determined to go to the collegeWang Wei persuaded me to change my mindhe had to follow my adviceXiao Li told me the best way to study English

(詹类滢13990243013)怎样才能吧一个中文句子完整的翻译成英语(方法) - ______ 了解英语本身句子结构,知道中文句子构成的所有单词,明白中英文翻译的联系.

(詹类滢13990243013)把句子从中文翻译成英文、 ______ 1, I hope I deal with this issue will not have any difficulties. 2, I will try not to occupy too much space. 3, nothing will stop me where to go. 4, I am trapped, I have nothing to do. 5, everyone came. 6, today's newspaper to some interesting content. 7, said...

(詹类滢13990243013)中文句子翻译成英文 ______ For more information,please call 443-5667,the English Center. Despite it was very late, he continued to work.

(詹类滢13990243013)中文怎样翻译成英文 ______ 中文怎样翻译成英文:How to translate Chinese into English 句子:Sentence

(詹类滢13990243013)中文句子需要翻译为英文 ______ Robinson was later rescued Friday, and he established a warm friendship, they also established the Kingdom of the island belonged to them 这里鲁滨孙(鲁滨逊,鲁宾逊)翻译成Robinson(读作弱兵孙,弱兵逊) —————————————...

(詹类滢13990243013)把中文句子逐个翻译成英文的方法 ______ 先画出句子中的词组,然后利用句型造句,套用特殊句式,例如:It's的句型,there be 的句型

(詹类滢13990243013)把一些中文句子翻译成英文 ______ Go to school by bike~ The subway to work ~~ Walking to park~~~Take the bus home~~~Eat a quick breakfast~~~Heading for the school ~~~In North America~~~rely on~~~A taxi~~~worries~

(詹类滢13990243013)中文句子翻译成英文要注意些什么 - ______ 除了楼上说的时态,标点符号,等等. 语法也很重要.英文跟中文不同. 类似中文习惯把一些话放在句子的前面,而英文则习惯把那句话放在句子的尾. 并且,还要在意个别单词的有2或3个解释.