
他发现自己无法忍受媒体的持续关注,决定出国。飞机引擎的呼啸声宣告空袭即将来临。一所有危险气体泄露的房子可能马上就被炸碎。can be是谓语。


(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 1,水城是一个伟大的地方为家庭去度假. 2,他们已举办运动会和工作人员装扮成小丑. 3,还有一个很多家长在水城. 4,如果他们喜欢好吃的食物,他们可以找到的农贸市场上的饭菜既好吃又便宜了. 5,通过家长会花很多的快乐时光漫步历史博物馆

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 1.我买了一台电脑,这台电脑很好用 I bought a computer,and it's very easy to use. 2.他喜欢吃牛肉,但是昨天买的牛肉被猫吃了 He likes to eat beef,but the beef he bought yesterday was eaten by the cat. 3.他是我们这里的唯一的留学生 He is the only internatonal student here. 4.月亮是离地球最近的天体 The moon is the nearest celestial bodies to earth.

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 1 under the help of the teacher in the learning has great progress. 2 our classmates and teachers live very happily, and often get their praise and encourage. 3 we have confidence enter a key university, let you know that you have wasted the funding. ...

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译、 ______ 1. Millie ran back to school because she left her magazine in the classroom 2.You should notice your parents before you leave 3. I heard that he has been in Japan for a long time 4 Why not see the movie comments first 是 movie reviews 不好意思 记错了

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 1.老人似乎在那边找什么. 2如果你不想失去这个职务,你就必须努力学习. 3.你已经失去了展示自己的机会,所以你必须等待下一个机会. 望楼主采纳

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 我母亲是一位优秀的教师,在母亲的教导下我的学习成绩也优秀,我母亲工作很勤奋,对我也很严,她很少有时间和我说话,也容易发脾气 My mother is an excellent teacher. With her help, I am good at my study. My mother works very hard and she is strict with me, too. But she has little time to talk with me. And it is easy for her to lose her temper.

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译、 ______ 1. Can you tell me what you will encounter in school question? 2 days ago the river walk, when suddenly it began to rain days. 3 We have not decided where to go to eat. 4 I am waiting for a train when I met a former classmate.

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 1 look very tired 2 of earlier some 3 every evenings 4 sleep somely earlier 5 move food and go home 6 enough foods 7 lead very difficulties 8 is busy in taking off loose son 9 in autumn 10 in winter 11 take a sunbathe 12 last 13 pick flowers 14 ...

(居应玲18363484284)英语句子翻译 ______ 妈妈经常告诉我游泳时要小心 mom often tells me to be careful when I swim 人们总在春天植树 people always plant trees in spring 他们在为老人们打扫房间 they are cleaning the room for the old 对你来说在公交车上给老人让座是好的 it's good for you to offer your seat to the old on the bus 瞧!那个男孩在帮助一个老人过街 Look! That boy is helping an old man cross the street