
1. If a few more bus routes, frequent flights and then some, that it makes people feel will be very convenient to take the bus, which undoubtedly will reduce the traffic pressure.
2. If possible, try not to use private cars. Ride with friends or go the same way is also a good choice. If you do not hurry, walk or ride a bicycle in fact, much better than they drive. They will not take up too much space, but you can exercise.
3. Traffic congestion is often concentrated in certain periods, for example, the peak of the commute. This time even if a lot of people gave up their drive to work, traffic pressure remains high. If the industries in order to stagger working hours, traffic congestion will be improved.
4. Road traffic problems to solve will be a long and difficult process, for now, building underground is also a good way to ease the pressure on road traffic. Metro does not occupy floor space, and the efficient and convenient, trips and more, even missed a class, so the next one will not spend too much of your time. It is controlled by computer, is not easy because the human factor out of the question, the efficiency is very high. And it will never be the first meet in blocking together a few more subway situation

1. If a few more bus routes, frequent flights and then some, that it makes people feel will be very convenient to take the bus, which undoubtedly will reduce the traffic pressure.
2. If possible, try not to use private cars. Ride with friends or go the same way is also a good choice. If you do not hurry, walk or ride a bicycle in fact, much better than they drive. They will not take up too much space, but you can exercise.
3. Traffic congestion is often concentrated in certain periods, for example, the peak of the commute. This time even if a lot of people gave up their drive to work, traffic pressure remains high. If the industries in order to stagger working hours, traffic congestion will be improved.
4. Road traffic problems to solve will be a long and difficult process, for now, building underground is also a good way to ease the pressure on road traffic. Metro does not occupy floor space, and the efficient and convenient, trips and more, even missed a class, so the next one will not spend too much of your time. It is controlled by computer, is not easy because the human factor out of the question, the efficiency is very high. And it will never be the first meet in blocking together a few more subway situation.


(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译一下以下句子. ______ 我要忘记你;我恨你: I will forget you. I hate you very much.

(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译一下以下句子: - ______ time goes by what we lost what we forgot what wekept i got 108 in english last term it is close to my plan i must get a better grade this term

(展夏翠15293855218)翻译几句句子,帮忙一下! ______ If I do not finish my homework ,I will not go shopping with my friends If it rains tomorrow,I will sleep all day in my home If I have a lot of money ,I will travel all over the world with my parents 可能有些不太对,但语法是对的,希望能帮到你

(展夏翠15293855218)帮我翻译一下下面几句话 - ______ In fact ,you are free to take a walk to area of the South of China, in the South of China, there are many famous scenic spots, and the girls here are all very beautiful, perhaps you will find the more satisfactory girl.

(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译下面的几句话!!急急急~~~ - ______ Receive your invitation I am very pleased, but also I am sorry that I maybe not be able to eat dinner this Sunday evening, and want to do because my tutor. Your mind I have received, we can gettoghter another day! However, I still hope you can have a happy Sunday

(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译以下几句英语句子(急啊) - ______ 1_她的笑容表示她的歉意 2_我花了整晚把玩具车摆在一块 3_今天的天气真荒谬 我们的野炊被毁了 4_信封里面有若干张一百美元面值的钞票 5_John被送到了亚特兰大 他的公司最近在那里新建了办公室 6_停好你的车 别让路给消防车 7_小心你的酒杯 别把酒洒在地毯上 8_一个孩子不会认为用新玩具去交换旧风筝是愚蠢的 当他看到那个旧风筝的价值所在 9_我没有说谎 妈妈 是Roger 是他昨天带小刀去学校的 10_CD-ROMs和DVDs都是用来储存数字信息的设备

(展夏翠15293855218)请帮忙翻译几句话 - ______ I sleep on the sofa by myself. The manager let us clean the table-boards. He went out to buy Christmas gifts. He lived in Canada before.

(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译下几句英语句子 - ______ 1. 你会觉得你的学校每个月多年来为你把电话后打电话问你为校友基金——即使你是写作极大的检查来偿还25000美元你欠的学生贷款.2. 如果是知识多样性当教室是一次演习在集团认为? 3. 太经常,在选择一个职业,人们最终学习到更多越来越少. 4. 有一个古老的法国说基本上总结了什么是错误的和大多数大学教授:“我们知道它工作在实践中.

(展夏翠15293855218)帮忙翻译一下下边的几句话! - ______ 首先 第二句话最后一个词打错了吧 不是aun而是sun 翻译如下 文艺版 他们沉思片刻.沐浴在阳光下欣赏这片绿色的田野是多么美妙啊!突然间,他们回忆起了天鹅说过的关于雪以及冬天的寒冷,那对于他们来说实在是太寒冷了.普通直译版 他们想了想.坐在阳光下欣赏绿地是多么美妙啊.突然间他们想起了天鹅说过的关于雪以及冬天的寒冷,那对于他们来说会十分寒冷.

(展夏翠15293855218)请帮忙翻译以下句子 ______ 借给我这些钱 ,你真大方 在我们努力的工作后 生活一定会变好的 {或者;生活会变好的 毕竟我们再努力工作} 我走进这间房子却发现一切都变了{或者 一切都消失了} 在画室正坐着一位红色头发的女孩 现在很冷 生个火吧 这个晚餐时我今晚的乐...