二级英语翻译 有能力者进

everybody has a dream.so do I.I never dream to become more beautiful,because I know it will never come true.my dream is simple,I simply dream to be a typist.I am born in a poor family,my family has several kids.what our parents can give us is a good education.I hope I can master that typewriter,but it is also very difficult to fine a good job.
but I still decided to take part in a typing class hold by the government.I chose typing as my aim and filled in the form.when I handed in the form to the personnel,she looked at me and then advised me not to choose typing,"why don't you choose another one such as cutting that is lacking competition,you know you hardly succeed."she said,"the work office always like to hire good-looking girls dress well and whose hands are beautiful"she added.
I know that,but I insist on my choose,and said"I am sure to be a best typist."she accepted my choose at last.after 5 months'training,5 menbers of our class were chose to work for the department,I am in them.I know this is my opportunity.I tried my best to finish my work,when I was finishing my work halfly,my classmats were still busy in chatting or reading novel.
that was a text,after I passed the text.more work were following behind me.after graducted,I was normally chose to be a typist in the office.
after reach my first dream,I began to realize others.
people who have dream should realze his dream,no matter how difficult it will be.

10分 =。= 这一篇人工翻译还得有100RMB呢。


Everyone has his/her dreams, including me. I have never dreamed that I could become more beautiful, because I know that will never come true. My dream is simple, just to be a typist. I was born in a poor family with several children. The best thing my parents could give us is nicer education. I hope that I could master the typewriter. It will bring me a good office job. But of course it's still not so easy to find a good job only with mastering that machine.

But I still decided to join in the typewriting course held by the government. I filled in the table, and put the typewriting course as my cultivating course. When I handed in the table to the interviewer, she just looked at me for a while and then suggested me not choose the typewriting course. "Why not choose some other courses like tailory which has less competition? You know you have no way to complete with undergraduates," she said, and then added, "beautiful girls who have clean dressing and pretty hands are more welcome to be employed to work in the office." I know these things, but I told her my choice all the same. "By all means I will be an excellent typist!" Finally she accepted my choice.

After five months' cultivation, five members in my class, including me, was chosen to do some typing works for the department. I know this is my chance, so I tried my best to be speedy and orderly when typing. I have finished half of my task while they were still busy talking and doing light reading.

After the test more jobs surged to me. The moment I graduated, I was employed to be a typist in an office. After one dream came true, I began to carry out other dreams. A dreamchaser must try his best to pull off his dream, in despite of any sufferings.

(孟冰侄19774064791)本人想进翻译事务所做一名专职笔译,请问CATTI二级笔译证书对这个目标帮助大吗? - ______ 基础很扎实,我建议你直接跳过三笔考二笔; 二笔认可度还可以,有该证书多数都能进入笔译行业,但提醒你笔译可不是好行业,非常辛苦收入却很低并且发展空间也很小.没有所谓的翻译事务所,一般称为翻译公司或者翻译社.为什么这样说,你去看看各翻译公司的中英文报价就知道,翻译拿到的单价通常是他们给客户报价的1/3 --1/2,正常一小时也只能翻译300 -- 400字词左右,1000字单价一般只有130那片. 真有需要的话找可以找我,我无偿发些笔译练习资料给你,本人08年过的二笔,积累了不少资料,在广州等地翻译公司做过几年笔译,太累太苦收入太低,转行两三年了.这个,当个兼职就好了,很多学高翻的都没去做翻译,太累了 男怕入错行,慎重你的选择!

(孟冰侄19774064791)二、三级翻译专业资格属于什么职称?中级还是高级? - ______ 三级、二级分别对应初级、中级. 专业技术人员只有参加相应的考试,才能具备被聘任的资格.考试分三级、二级、一级口笔译翻译和资深翻译4个等级,大体同翻译职称中的初级、中级、副高、正高职称相对应. 三级,非外语专业本科毕业、...

(孟冰侄19774064791)英语笔译二级证有用吗 对就业具体有什么用 - ______ 有点用处 证明你英语基础还行,有当翻译的潜力 但是要当翻译2级证几乎没有用处 实践经验才是关键,现在不少翻译是拿不出2级证的 有个2级证可以给你带来更多的面试机会,但是能否被录用最终还是看你在面试时的表现 一句话,翻译实践能力可以帮你找到工作,证书只是敲门砖

(孟冰侄19774064791)英语二级口译证 有啥用? - ______ 二级口译最多做简单的会议翻译,或陪同翻译,工资大概每小时300到一千,或者进公司兼做翻译

(孟冰侄19774064791)考下catti二级对找翻译工作有用吗? - ______ catt2相当于翻译硕士,分口译和笔译;任何一个可以走遍中国!

(孟冰侄19774064791)全国翻译资格证二级和三级有多大差距,适合怎样的人去考? - ______ 英语专业的应该二级,没必要在三级上浪费时间,我考过.三级过于基础,当然你要是性格谨慎,想考三级,大不了多花次报名费罢了.

(孟冰侄19774064791)二级翻译专业考试相当于什么水平 - ______ 通过二级笔译证书考试的考生能够翻译较高难度的各类文本;能够胜任机关、企事业单位的科技、法律、商务、经贸等方面材料的翻译以及各种国际会议一般性文件的翻译. 资深翻译——译审(正高级职称). 一级口、笔译翻译——副译审(副高级职称). 二级口、笔译翻译——翻译(中级职称). 三级口、笔译翻译——助理翻译(初级职称).

(孟冰侄19774064791)英语要过几级才能当翻译 - ______ 看公司的具体要求.一般要求公六或者专八.实际上要当翻译,需要专业的训练,还有对母语的理解和熟悉.如果是有登记在案的翻译资格则需要参加翻译资格考试,这是国内最权威的翻译资格考试,分笔译和口译;一级和二级.

(孟冰侄19774064791)英语翻译二级证书可以考下来的话,是不是在求职翻译工作时候比较说明问题?谢谢 - ______ 不能.我们英语专业的有些同学过了专八,也有翻译证,人家不要,说要2到3年的工作经验才可以翻译,刚毕业的再强也翻译不来 翻译是个实践性的工作,不管你基础怎么样,关键是你能不能翻译某个特定的应用领域.比如:给你一篇程序开发你能翻译吗?给你个机器图纸你能翻译吗?职业翻译基本上都是有专业方向的,不是什么拿来就能翻译的

(孟冰侄19774064791)有通过CATTI二级口译的人吗,本人英语六级水平,想考个翻译证书,求经验指导,灰常感谢~ ______ 口译证书考验最多的是听力跟记忆力.笔记也无碍乎是为了辅助记忆准备的产物. 不过,你非英语六级去考二级口译,成功率会非常低. 可能很多没接触口译的人,拿本真题,听懂原文大概,就觉得能应付二级口译了.就算能听懂大概,能应付题型,最忽略的一点就是,你的译文是否地道.中译英时候,你的英文是否原汁原味,还是夹杂太多个人创造,考官一听就能听出来.CATTI二级是给具备专业翻译素养的考生准备的. 我劝你拿CATTI三级口译做目标.太激进,只能提早断送你翻译这条路.想速成的,就算考试成功了,到最后要么改行,要么适应不了更高阶段的学习放弃了.就算侥幸考过CATTI二级当了翻译,也未必能被口译这圈子人承认.