
he wears creamy windbreaker(coat), white trousers with his hands in, creamy face and his black long hair flowing in the wind, only one word could express that picture, cool.


I heard that she needs at least one hour to take a shower, and spend up to 40 minutes to make up everytime she get up from the bed!

He wears the windbreaker of rice yellow, white pants, put in the 兜 , the face of pallor, very black long the hair starts to float with the breeze, in that manner only a phrase to describe-the jade tree face breeze.
It is said that her taking a shower will spend an around hour, after getting up each time doll up foppery to also want to spend last 40 minutes or so

1 He was wearing a yellow windbreaker, and white trousers, Hands in his pocket when he went pale face, black hair Hill bend. Only one word to describe it -- like jade tree standing against the wind.

2 Heard that she spends about an hour a bath, and after she gets up she spend about 40 minutes on toiletry dress.

(扶荆贤15233865177)翻译句子,要地道的英语 - ______ 1 is tiger falls pingyang by! 2 an eye don't know mount taishan 3 the dog's mouth emits no ivory 4 don't assume and I 5. Some things we can do, but never won't do! 6 this is something I need you 7 why is this world so unfair? 8. Who do you think you ...

(扶荆贤15233865177)用地道的英语翻译这个句子 ______ I got 144 points in the English exam of college entrance examination

(扶荆贤15233865177)地道的英语说法那对夫妇看上去很般配.这个般配怎么讲?要求把整个句子翻译下来. - ______[答案] 要一字不差的翻译,而且又要西方地道的原味口语,那是不可能的. 通常这样子的情况人们会说,perfect for each other. 电影中经常可以听到的:you two are so perfect for each other. 或者是:you two are so perfect together. 都表示,你们两个非常配....

(扶荆贤15233865177)对,对,你说的都对”.地道英语怎么说? - ______ 对,对,你说的都对 翻译:Yeah, yeah, you're right. 重点词汇:right 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt] adv. 立刻,马上;向右,右边;恰当地;一直 adj. 正确的;合适的;右方的;好的,正常的 n. 权利;右边;正确,正当;右手 vt. 纠正;扶直,使正;整理;...

(扶荆贤15233865177)请用地道的英语翻译一下句子 - ______ When you've got a partner, I'm back off. When you're alone desperately, I'm still your back-up.

(扶荆贤15233865177)这个句子如何翻译 - ______ 这句子直译就成为中式英语了,比较地道的说法是 What do you think I'm thinking?What did you think I was thinking?What am I thinking, do you know?What was I thinking, do you know?Do you know what's on my mind?Do you know what I'm ...

(扶荆贤15233865177)英文翻译一句话谢谢...他天生就是个演说家材料.(求地道) - ______ He is born to be an orator他天生就是演说家的料 sb is born to be...某人天生是... He is a born to be a leader . He never conceal his desire to b...

(扶荆贤15233865177)地道的英语句子 - ______ raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 out of the blue 突然 early bird gets the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 skeletons inside the closet 家丑

(扶荆贤15233865177)怎么说地道的英语 - ______ 克里斯多佛一开口就指出了国人学英语最大的“软肋”: “中国人喜欢在单词的读音上纠缠不休.尤其是年轻人,总希望自己能说一口标准的美式英语,最好是带点纽约口音的美式英语.于是,他们很努力地听广播、的看电视,刻意模仿美国人...

(扶荆贤15233865177)阿波罗的神谕 “认识你自己 ”这句的地道英语怎么说呢 - ______ Know yourself认识你自己 Know yourself (νώθι σεαυτόν),相传是刻在德尔斐的阿波罗神庙的三句箴言之一,也是其中最有名的一句.另外两句是...