
its eyes are lightful at night. 它的眼睛在晚上很亮。
it's noble. 它是高贵的
it can wash its face with its paws. 它会用爪子洗脸
it can fish with its tail. 他会用尾巴钓鱼

its eyes are lightful at night. it's noble,it can wash its face with paws.it can fish with tale.

He is noble and his eyes are shining at night. He can wash his face with his claws and fish with his tail.

Its eyes at night is very bright. It is a noble, it will wash a face with its claws. He would use the tail fishing

Its eyes are bright at night.
It is noble.
It can wash its face with its paws.(by using its paws)
It can fish with his tail.(by using its tail)

(乜瞿彼13366563468)英文翻译中文句子 - ______ We will have to get up at 6:00 in order to reach there earlier. He can not only sings,but also dances. I will tell Mr.Li as soon as he arrives here.

(乜瞿彼13366563468)将下列英文句子翻译成中文句子 ______ 1.Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last ten years.2.I admire his bravery3.smoking is bad for our health4.these two countries were at war in 19705.I decided to ride a bike to go there instead of taking a bus手工翻译,希望可以帮助你!

(乜瞿彼13366563468)请把下列英文句子翻译成中文1.I'd like to introduce myself.2,it takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bike.3.My hobbies are swimming and stamp collecting,4.... - ______[答案] 我想介绍一下我自己 我骑车到学校需要20分钟 我的爱好是游泳和收集邮票 成龙是我最喜爱的演员 我希望我的英语跟我的数学一样好

(乜瞿彼13366563468)用英语翻译中文句子,谢谢 - ______ 1. I am willing to give up everything and anything for you.2. I've lost my love.

(乜瞿彼13366563468)英语翻译各位英语很棒的大师帮帮忙,翻译以下一下句子:(中文翻译成英语)1.今天我之所以穿了一件红色的衣服,就是想提醒一下人们:请珍惜水源!2.... - ______[答案] 1.I wore red cloth today to remind people :please save water supply.2.I hope my speech will inspire everyone.3.Please lower your voices and listen,I will use my best speech to present this report.

(乜瞿彼13366563468)把下列英文句子翻译成中文 ______ 1,I understand that you are one of the major global players in air industries,operating in more than 20 countries. 我理解你是在空中产业的主要全球性播放器之一,在超过二十个国家内经营. 2.The meals in the work cafeteria are subsidized. 在...

(乜瞿彼13366563468)请把下列英文句子翻译成中文 ______ 1.As for the heavy snow, travlers had to stay up in the airport till midnignt untill the snow stopped. 2.After the train started 20 minutes, two boys found that they went on a train which was heading to Hangzhou instead of their hometown Suzhou. 3....

(乜瞿彼13366563468)用英语翻译一下下面的句子 ______ 1, he came to his pocket and pulls out all the keys.2, she is scheduled to fly to New York tonight.3, we always think he is still alive.4, as the passage of time as the water O(∩_∩)O

(乜瞿彼13366563468)英语翻译用中文翻译下列句子first of alle,it was not easy for me to understand what the teacher said.i was also afraid to speak in class,because i thought my ... - ______[答案] 首先 对我来说 要理解老师所说的是不容易的 我是如此害怕在全班面前发言 因为我认为同学们会笑话我 所以我决定在每节课都做很多关于语法的笔记

(乜瞿彼13366563468)英语翻译I.把下列句子翻译成中文:(30%)1.She wants to help her husband get more old money.2.It is on the cards that he will get a promotion soon.3.I never ... - ______[答案] (一)1.她希望得到更多的帮助她的丈夫老钱. 2.它是在卡片上,他将很快得到晋升. 3,我再也看不到他,但我想吻他. 4.新的父亲戴着一得意的笑容.您们真的要拉你的袜子,如果你想在竞争中击败杰克. 6.如果你在字里行间,这封...