法律英语 failure of consideration 怎么翻译?在线等,谢谢!!!!

要保后退保 failure of consideration 未能安排全部保险 failure to complete 没有据实告知 failure to disclose……





(史泪松18040249649)法律英语 中翻英 ______ 非供应商原因延迟交货超过15日的,买方可以从其它地方购买替代产品. Only if supplier reason delay, deliver over 15 day, buyer can buy substitute products from other places. 产品按买方的书面设计导致的前述后果除外. The products, according...

(史泪松18040249649)法律英语在线翻译 - ______ 违法性认识是一个比较古老的话题.Knowledge of illegality is a relatively old topic.它最早可以追溯到古罗马法格言“不知法律不免责”.It harks back to Roman law maxim "do not know law exemption".但随着社会发展和法律体系的日益完善,...

(史泪松18040249649)什么是法律英语? - ______ 所谓的法律英语说的通俗一点就是法律方向的英语,涉及面最广的都是法律知识、条文.就如同英语又分为商务英语,旅游英语等等.法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语言,在英...

(史泪松18040249649)法律英语中“因为”怎么表达? - ______ 没一定标准,要看当时用语的语境和词性,所以: 连接词 because 因为, 因, 以 since 因为, 既然, 既, 既是 for 因为 that 该, 因为, 就 介系词 owing to 由于, 因为, 由余 on account of 因为 …… 都可以!

(史泪松18040249649)关于法律的英文翻译 - ______ 《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例》Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures

(史泪松18040249649)法律英语翻译 谢谢了 - ______ Legal English is a specialized English with normative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source ...

(史泪松18040249649)法律英语 中译英 - ______ 我把开头和结尾修改了一下 Part A and Part B finally reached an agreement which settled the dispute through negotiations and withdrawn the suit from the court.

(史泪松18040249649)法律英语,有点难.高手帮帮忙啊! - ______ 在多数损害诉讼,党有权利安排事实由陪审员尝试.这权利在联邦法庭在多数状态法院保证由第七Amendmentto宪法和被保护由相似的宪法供应. 如果有权利到试验由陪审员, partymay的二...

(史泪松18040249649)颁布法律的英文 - ______ It is said that even laws and orders could be conveyed by this code . 据说,甚至 颁布法律 和命令也可以使用这种符号. One who makes or enacts laws ; a legislator 立法者制定或 颁布法律 的人;立法者 If the law is passed , wild animals pke ...

(史泪松18040249649)怎么翻译啊!用法律英语……………… ______ “本报告的中英文版本具有同等的法律效力,当中英文版本发生冲突时,以中文版本的释意为最终的解释.” "The report's Chinese version shares identical legal effect with its English one, where they give rise to mutual incompatibility, the Chinese version shall be interpreted as conclusive in legal effect."