


(支宋幸17342363030)英语一句句子翻译 - ______ 你要小心好不会撞击石头,树木和其他危险物体.

(支宋幸17342363030)在线翻译英语句子 - ______ The British steamship"Titanic",sank after striking ice in North Atlantic Ocean,and killed more than 1500.那个名为“泰坦尼克号”的英国轮船,在撞到北大西洋上的冰山以后沉没,1500多人死亡

(支宋幸17342363030)英语在线翻译句子 - ______ I dreamed of becoming a excellent interior designer.

(支宋幸17342363030)英语在线翻译句子 - ______ Happy Mid-Autumn Day!是最常见的翻译 最好结合在句子中 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

(支宋幸17342363030)一个英语句子的翻译---在线等I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I'm writing to ask for help. I came here last month and ... - ______[答案] 我不知道怎样利用这个图书馆. 例如:I have no idea of the time for the meeting. 我不知道开会的时间. I have no idea of what he was doing 注意当have no idea of 后接that 从句时,要省略of , 这时that引导同位语从句.如 I have no idea that his father is ...

(支宋幸17342363030)英语在线翻译句子 - ______ understand the real meaning of a test; have a right attitude towards a test; make good preparation for the test; be relaxed in a test; have a good mood and be confident.

(支宋幸17342363030)英语在线翻译句子 - ______ “只可惜实界上真的没有卖后悔药的,我要做的就是在心里被你永远的忘掉. 我想念你,但我知道,你已经有了自己的爱,我不敢奢望你能和我说什么,可是我真的思念你......”

(支宋幸17342363030)(英语)翻译句子. - ______ 答案:72、playing baseball73、asks his fathet for74、think about75、be late for76、is busy sending77、How much ia this pair of blue trousers?翻译软件有很多,功能大同小异,可选择自己比较喜欢的使用.下面给你推荐几种常用的翻译软件...

(支宋幸17342363030)英语句子在线翻译并填空 - ______ (What ) an interesting thing to go for a school trip it is ! (2)组合句子 what's his job?和can you think can you think (about ) his job (什么)一件有趣的事物去拿学校旅行它是 ! (2)组合句子 什么是他的工作?和你能想吗 你能想 (大约 ) 他的工作吗