this expedition will raise awareness of the deat that this country owes to those it sends off to...

this expedition will raise awareness of the debt that this country owes to those it sends off to fight.


意思是 这次远征将能让更多人知道那些国家派出战死的士兵们。
结构是这样的,this expedition will raise awareness of the death,
后面一个定语从句修饰 death。

望采纳! 公益慈善翻译团

deat 应为 debt




this expedition will raise awareness of the deat that this country owes to those it sends off to fight

(靳秆翰19722154117)词义辨析travelvoyagejourneyexcursion ______ Journey(n.)---“旅行”,“旅程”.普通用语,指陆地上的远程旅行. Excursion(n.)---“旅行”.较正式,指海上或陆地上的短期外出. Expedition(n.)---“旅行”.指...

(靳秆翰19722154117)713.If there is still no information from you about the expedition of shipment by the end of - ______ If there is still no information from you about the expedition of shipment by the end of this month, we'll be forced to cancel the contract and reserve the right to lodge a claim against you for the loss. 如果到月底我们还没收到你加快发货速度的消息,...

(靳秆翰19722154117)名著《失落的世界》英语简介100个单词左右,高中生水平. - ______[答案] 中文:故事的主人公是一个平凡到不能再平凡的公园护林员,看到他现在的窝囊相,你肯定联想不到他曾经也是一位非常有... hybrid dimension.Escape from this routine expedition gone awry and they're heroes.Get stuck,and they'll be permanent ...

(靳秆翰19722154117)介绍些对学英语有帮助的世界名著(本人刚要上大学.英语水平还可以)谢谢啊! - ______ 我们老师说从通俗现代小说读起较好,名著语言离现代有距离,有些还非常难.象《哈利波特》和《暮光之城》之类便很好.不过我怀疑你已经读过了,所以在找名著.Tuesdays with Morrie(相约星期二)和the catcher in the rye(麦田中的守望者)是我很喜欢的2本,并且都不算难.

(靳秆翰19722154117)西进运动英文介绍,谢谢! - ______[答案] Westward Expansion Colorado Migration Project Check this out if your ancestors ever crossed into or out of Colorado. Traditionally,when one thinks of the expansion of the American West,the event most likely to come to mind is the California Gold Rush...

(靳秆翰19722154117)翻译:I attach great importance to this research.He attached himself to the expedition. - ______[答案] 第一句:我很重视这个研究. 第二句:attach oneself to 参加,依附的意思 他参加了这次探险,

(靳秆翰19722154117)he is still hesitating about joining the expedition.为什么是be hesitating about 形容人不是用hesitated么 - ______[答案] 用不同的时态来表示时间的不同.前者表示正在犹豫而后者过去式不能表示现在.