
Appreciation 是什么意思啊?
答:用法:Appreciation of sth 动词:appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。理解;体谅;同情 I had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我没有体谅到他们所面临的...

Appreciation 是什么意思啊
答:一、释义 1、n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢;2、N-SING Your appreciation for something that someone does for you is your gratitude for it. 感激.二、词汇搭配 official appreciation 法定升值 appreciation of capital 资本的增值 reserve for appreciation 涨价准备 terrain appreciation 地形判...

答:appreciation 英 [əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn] 美 [əˌpriʃiˈeʃən]n.欣赏;鉴赏; 感谢; 评估; 增值 复数: appreciations 双语例句 1. You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.你必须将该处房...

答:appreciation 英 [əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn] 美 [əˌpriʃiˈeʃən]n.增值; 感谢; 欣赏;鉴赏; 评估;[网络]正确评价; 鉴别; 感谢;[例句]Brian whistled in appreciation.布赖恩吹口哨以示赞赏。[其他]复数:appreciations 形近词...

答:appreciation.以往的成绩最有发言权,你必须能够明确自己在资产增值方面的角色。2 The aberration presented “ considerable value in and appreciation potential for many large-cap technology names, ” Kessler argued.凯斯勒认为,这种反常现象说明“许多大市值科技股有相当的投资价值和升值潜力”。

答:appreciation 英[əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn] 美[əˌpriʃiˈeʃən]n. 增值; 感谢; 欣赏;鉴赏; 评估;[例句]Track record speaks loudest here, and you must be able to identify your role in the asset appreciation.以...

答:鉴赏、感谢 in appreciation for/of 感谢;赞赏;赏识 with appreciation感激;十分理解 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

答:appreciation 英[əˌpri:ʃi:ˈeɪʃən] 美[əˌpriʃiˈeʃən]复数:appreciations n.1.欣赏,鉴赏,赏识 2.评定;判断;鉴定 3.(尤指土地或财产的)增值 4.感激;感谢 5.(尤指赞赏性的)评论文字 6.理解;体谅...

答:汉语翻译n. 感激, 赏识, 鉴别 【经】 涨价, 增值英语解释:名词 appreciation:understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something 同义词:grasp, hold delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values)同义词:taste, discernment, perceptiveness an expression of ...

答:appreciation的意思是:n. 欣赏;鉴别;感激;理解;认识;增值,[尤指土地或财产的]升职 appreciation的读法:英[əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn] 美[əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn]例句释义:Cultivate appreciation of literature. 培...


{隆屠睿13774256714} appreciation和 revaluation的区别 - ______ appreciation和 revaluation的区别 主要区别: 第一个单词是估评估 appreciation n. 增值; 感谢; 欣赏;鉴赏; 评估; revaluation n. 再评价; 重估计;

{隆屠睿13774256714} 高人进gratitude和 appreciation有什么区别 - ______ gratitude和 appreciation的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、gratitude:感激之情. 2、appreciation:感谢. 二、用法不同 1、gratitude:属于一般用语,指因对方的好意而表示“感谢”,主要指因天意、命运或客观...

{隆屠睿13774256714} appreciateion是可数名词吗 - ______ appreciation 英[əˌpri:ʃi:ˈeɪʃən] 美[əˌpriʃiˈeʃən] 复数:appreciations n. 1.欣赏,鉴赏,赏识 2.评定;判断;鉴定 3.(尤指土地或财产的)增值 4.感激;感谢 5.(尤指赞赏性的)评论文字 6.理解;体谅;同情 7.理解;体谅;同情 ...

{隆屠睿13774256714} appreciate的名词 - ______ appreciation

{隆屠睿13774256714} appreciation造一个句子 - ______ in ~ (of) 为了感谢…: I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help. 我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助. ~ for 为…的感谢: his appreciation for all the work she had done 他对她所做的一切的感谢

{隆屠睿13774256714} appreciation的过去式 - ______ appreciation是名词,没有过去式.appreciate是动词,过去式是appreciated.

{隆屠睿13774256714} Value和appreciation的区别 - ______ 你要看词性呢. 这句一定要加上名词, 所以appreciation是对的.至於value, 它是名词时, 表示价值, 但动词则表示某事物的重要性.

{隆屠睿13774256714} affirmation和appreciation有区别吗 ______ affirmation [不可数名词, 可数名词]She nodded in affirmation. 她肯定地点了点头. appreciation [不可数名词] pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of sb/sth 欣赏 She shows little appreciation of good music. 她感...

{隆屠睿13774256714} 关于原因状语从句和appreciation的短语的用法 - ______ 1.for one of the reason that 2. appreciation of

{隆屠睿13774256714} appraisal和appreciation有什么不同 - ______ 用appreciation比较好. 1. 古玩的鉴赏是一门高深的学问,需有丰富的经验、敏锐的悟性、深邃的目力.唯其如此,古玩收藏魅力无穷. The appreciation is a great knowledge, requiring rich experience, acute and deep perception. Because of this, collection of curios is so fascinating. 鉴定(Appraisal):根据长度、质地、细度、油脂量、草杂含量和色泽对羊毛的价值决定性特性进行客观 评估