


{简春咸15057223999} When she got back from the South,Susan had her car (wash)----throughtly - ______[答案] 为你解答. When she got back from the South,Susan had her car (washed)throughtly. 当她从南方回来时,苏珊请人把车彻底清洗了. 解释:have sth done,请人做某事.填过去分词.

{简春咸15057223999} htc重启手机后开不了机,一直在htc(guietlybrill? ______ 扣掉电池试试 电量足不足? 如果还不行那就是硬件有问题拿去修

{简春咸15057223999} 使用my bottly 杯子有什么注意事项 - ______ 只有一个孔...水不容易倒出来的...旁边的孔联通空气 能保持杯子内外压力平衡

{简春咸15057223999} I recently spent two years in the Arctic(北极)filming the series(连续剧)Blue Planet.I love being in an environment that hasn't... - ______[答案] 74.C 细节理解题:根据第一段I love being in an environment that hasn't changed for 20,000years.Of course it's freezing,but...

{简春咸15057223999} 英语单选501.If the horse wins tommow,he___twently races in the past three years.A . will win b, will have won c, would have won d, has won答案是 B 我想知道... - ______[答案] the last few years/in the past few years 用现在完成时~,因为从句是一般现在是,所以主句用将来时2.suggest sb.(should)do sth.意思为:John建议他们在找到更多的因素之前不要说任何有关情况3.predictable,可...

{简春咸15057223999} safe,safetly,safety,save造句 - ______[答案] 【safe:】I put it in a safe place.我把它放在一个 安全的地方.This is for your safe.这是为了你的安全.【safetly:没有这个单词】【safety】例句:I tremble for her safety.我们为她的安全担忧.A driver must t...

{简春咸15057223999} he will soon visit darwin .he will visit darwin__.(quickly/ for a short time /shrtly./in a hurry ) - ______[答案] 选shortly, quickly是动作迅速,for a short time见面的时间短,in a hurry匆匆忙忙见面,soon说的是不久之后,没有说匆忙

{简春咸15057223999} 英语四级求翻译~最后一句话~万分感谢~ - ______ in the fact of hottly learning chinese oversea now, on the one hand, due to China's rapid economic development make the rise of national self-confidence . on the other hand, it's beacause the increasing of the need of cross-cultural communication under the globalization situation .

{简春咸15057223999} 带有花的成语.一定要三个!fengtly! - ______[答案] 有关花的成语 花□□□ 花团锦簇 花好月圆 花花公子 花天酒地 花言巧语 花枝招展 花飞蝶舞 花容月貌 花花世界 □花□□ 奇花异草 花花公子 如花似锦 生花妙笔 绣花枕头 春花秋月 风花雪月 犁花带雨 奇花异卉 花花世界 如花似玉 借花献佛 移花接木 落花流水...

{简春咸15057223999} 有没有关于夏天的英语诗歌内容是 :山、花、树、阳光 这四个方面的 要不然秋天或冬天的也行例子:春天的Hills,loud with new water ,running seiftly under ... - ______[答案] I remember,I remember the Spirit of my Fathers; the smell of prairie flowers, the feel of wind on their face; I remember,I remember the Spirit of my Mothers,. a bee humming in the 【flowers】 was music to their ears I look to the wild places and my heart is ...