
名词 n.

This is a color television.
The primary colors of the spectrum are red, green and blue.
Color was coming back to his face.
Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without regard to color or sex.
His gift for description adds color to his stories.
I believe that he will show his true colors someday.
Stick to your colors.
10.国旗;团旗;船旗[the P]
The ship sails under Panamanian colors.

及物动词 vt.

Tom colored the picture red.
The little girl was coloring pictures with crayons.
Prejudice colored his views.

不及物动词 vi.


n. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色
vt. 粉饰;给...涂颜色;歪曲
vi. 变色;获得颜色

colour 1 (US color) / ˈkʌlə(r); ˋkʌlɚ/ n
(a) [U] visible quality that objects have, produced by rays of light of different wavelengths being reflected by them 颜色: The garden was a mass of colour. 花园中五彩缤纷. * You need more colour in this room. 你这房间的色调需要丰富些. (b) [C] particular type of this (某种)颜色: Red, orange, green and purple are all colours. 红﹑ 橙﹑ 绿﹑ 紫都是颜色. * `What colour is the sky?' `It's blue.' ‘天空是什麽颜色的?’‘是蓝的. ’ * a sky the colour of lead, ie a grey sky 像铅一样颜色的天空(灰色天空).
(a) [C, U] substance (eg paint or dye) used to give colour to sth 颜料(如油漆﹑ 染料): paint in `water-colour(s) 水彩画 * use plenty of bright colour in a painting 画中使用了大量鲜艳的颜色. (b) [U] use of all colours, not only black and white 彩色: Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的? * [attrib 作定语] colour photography, television, printing 彩色摄影术﹑ 电视﹑ 印刷.
[U] redness of the face, usu regarded as a sign of good health (used esp as in the expressions shown) 脸色, 气色(尤用於以下示例): He has very little colour, ie is very pale. 他脸色不好(苍白). * change colour, ie become paler or redder than usual 变脸色(变得较平常苍白或红润) * lose colour, ie become paler 失去红润 * She has a high colour, ie a very red complexion. 她气色很好. * The fresh air brought colour to her cheeks. 因空气新鲜, 她双颊红润.
[U] colour of the skin as a racial characteristic 肤色(作为种族特徵): be discriminated against on account of one's colour/on grounds of colour 因为肤色[由於肤色]的关系受到歧视 * [attrib 作定语] colour prejudice 不同肤色的种族偏见.
colours [pl] coloured badge, ribbon, clothes, etc worn to show one is a member of a particular team, school, political party, etc or worn by a racehorse to show who owns it 彩色徽章﹑ 绶带﹑ 衣物等(用以表示为某队﹑ 校﹑ 政党等的成员由参赛的马披戴作其主人的标识).
colours [pl] (Brit) award given to a regular or outstanding member of a sports team, esp in a school 颁给体育运动队, 尤指校队正式成员或杰出成员的奖: get/win one's (football) colours 得到[赢得](足球)奖.
colours [pl] flag(s) of a ship or regiment 船旗; 团旗; 军旗: salute the colours 向军旗敬礼.
[U] (a) interesting detail or qualities; vividness 有趣的细节; 令人感兴趣的特性; 生动: Her description of the area is full of colour. 她对这地区的描述绘声绘色. (b) distinctive quality of sound in music; tone 音色; 音质; 音品; 格调: orchestral colour 管弦乐的音色 * His playing lacks colour. 他的演奏没有什麽格调.
colour 2 (US color) / ˈkʌlə(r); ˋkʌlɚ/ v
[Tn, Cn.a] put colour on (sth), eg by painting, dyeing or staining 给(某物)着色(如以绘﹑ 漆﹑ 印﹑ 染等方式): colour a picture 给画片着色 * colour a wall green 把墙壁涂成绿色.
(a) [I] become coloured; change colour 变为有色; 改变颜色: It is autumn and the leaves are beginning to colour, ie turn brown. 秋天到了, 叶子开始变黄了. (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (up) (at sth) become red in the face; blush 脸红: She coloured (with embarrassment) at his remarks. 她听到他的话(因受窘)而脸红了.
[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] affect (sth), esp in a negative way; distort 影响(某事物)(尤指不良方面); 歪曲: His attitude to sex is coloured by his strict upbringing. 他所受到的严厉教养, 影响了他对两性的态度. * Don't allow personal loyalty to colour your judgement. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断. * She gave a highly coloured (ie exaggerated) account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番.
(phr v) colour sth in fill (a particular area, shape, etc) with colour 给(某面积﹑ 图形等)着色: The child coloured in all the shapes on the page with a crayon. 那孩子用蜡笔把这页上所有的图形都涂上了颜色.


(凌追卷18185206156)colour是甚么意思color的中文意思color的用法讲授color的读音color的同义词color的反义词color - ______ 名词:色彩.色采动词:为······着色,粉饰;变色

(凌追卷18185206156)请问color和colour各在何时用? - ______ color是美语colour是英语. 没什么大的区别,只是写法不一样而已,可以通用 如果你的英语类型是美语就用前者,英语就用后者. 如何区分英语和美语 只要看写法就行了.美语一般比英语要短并且省掉部分的字母.

(凌追卷18185206156)color和colour的用法一样吗? - ______[答案] 一样的,只不过一个是美式英语,一个是英式英语,望采纳,求满意评价!

(凌追卷18185206156)colour是什么意思 - ______ 颜色,也可以简写color

(凌追卷18185206156)关于color的英语 - ______ 1,colorful ['kʌləful] adj. 华美的;有趣的;富有色彩的 Details of these colorful clouds change from hour to hour. 这些彩色云层的具体内容在随时变幻. 2,colorfast ['kʌləfɑ:st] adj. 不褪色的 I also have a silk dress which I don't think is colorfast. 我...

(凌追卷18185206156)colour和color哪个是正确的 - ______ color是美式英语中的用法,而colour是英式英语的用法,其实两者都正确!不过现在我们学的基本上都是美式英语,所以一般都用比较简单的,也就是字母少的!呵呵……

(凌追卷18185206156)colorfulcolorfire区别 - ______ 意思、性质不同.二者形相近,但是意思、性质均指代不同的事物.colorfire指镭风,其意义也很容易理解,“镭”就是对应ATI乃至2022年11月29日的AMD显卡Radeon的中文含义,colorfire的color就是七彩虹的英文代号;fire就是点睛之笔,fire代表了A卡的主色调:红色,也有一种带给玩家游戏激情的含义.colorful指多彩的,指某物或者什么事情颜色很丰富,或者内容很丰富color只用做名词或者是动词.

(凌追卷18185206156)java中color 类的常见作用作用 - ______ Color.RED等常量可以直接用,或者用Color(int r,int g,int b)构造函数,分别代表红绿蓝的参数0-255很多地方需要设置颜色,都要用这个 java常量static Color black static Color BLACK static Color blue static Color BLUE static Color cyan static ...

(凌追卷18185206156)colour theclothes是什么意思 ______ colour the clothes “给衣服上色”. 1. 这里最主要需要注意的就是colour的用法,即可以作名词,也可以作动词,在这个短语里面就是做动词. colour 英[ˈkʌlə(r)] 美[ˈkʌlɚ] n. 颜色; 彩色; 肤色; (用于服装、旗帜等代表团队、学校、政...

(凌追卷18185206156)colour的用法 - ______ B 用...颜色 多用in