
答:因为这个原因,基于自裁管辖权原则的论点失败。实际上,各当事人无权违反DAL第八条第二款,因为其是具有强制性的法律规则。因此,关于这个问题,仲裁庭不应该考虑仲裁条款的文字及其范围,基于“不利草拟者原则”也不应该考虑外在的方法来解释。免费翻译,会有瑕疵 专业法律英语翻译 参考资料:http://law...

答:Where a magnified sentence is based on a statute that requires new findings of fact to be made ,those facts must be found in a context that grants the right to confirmation and cross-examination.=(谷歌翻译)"其中,一个<放大了的句子>是基于法令,需要事实的新发现来作出,这些事实必须...

答:negative publicity,although while this is easy to imagine it is difficult to measure.In addition to the implied threat entailed in the act of writing to the offending organization on behalf of the aggrieved citizen,action line journalists make direct threats of negative publicity to spur...

法律英语翻译急求 速度~~~!
答:108, 110 (Tex.Cr.App.1983) (为了使规则第18条a款可适用,动议必须有初步证据并且对于寻求的回避有适当的理由)。刑事案件中的法律发展为“刑事审判的法官对于回避的动议是否符合规则第18条a款,可以做出初步决定”即便“民事案件”的判例法“与其截然不同”。手打翻译,应该没什么问题,请采纳。

答:Impossibility of purpose of the contrcat always happens because of the breach of contract in the real estate transaction,the establishmet of the pre-registration institutions play an important role in protecting the creditor's legitimate interest in the field of the change of title,safeg...

答:法律英语翻译技巧 “开场白”、“结束语”以及“规定与罚则”是每一部法律法规必不可少的内容,掌握了这三个部分的翻译,法律法规翻译会变的简单、容易的多。一、“开场白”下面便是一部典型的地方法规的卷首语:第一条为加强市容和环境卫生管理,创造和维护整洁、优美的市容环境,保障人民身体健康,...

答:A) is the second instance of proceedings following two situations:1, the Party received the first instance verdict against the day;2, or the Party won the first trial, while the other party (defendant or a third person) to appeal against decision of first instance cases, the ...

答:担任主要职务未尽职责,导致重大工伤事故或者安全事故,须负主要责任的;Those who don't do his duties, cause serious industrial accidents or the safety incidents, have to take the ultimate liability.上班时仪容仪表不整或不按照规定着装、不佩戴工作证的;Those who goes to work without correct...

答:法无明文规定者不为罪。3.this contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals, all of which are of the same effect.本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。4. the law does not concern itself about family trifles.法律难断家务事。5.this document is legally binding.该文件具有...

答:trustee 是受委托人


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{劳玉罚17088173874} 法律英语翻译 ______ Family as teenagers birthplace and the initial activity places, is the youth starting point to begin socialization process. Therefore, the influence of family on teenagers, especially the formation of personality and emotion the influence of the dominant ...

{劳玉罚17088173874} 法律英语双译 ______ 1.恶法即无法 2.法律必须具有稳定性,但又不能停滞不前 3.每个人都不能当自己的法官 4.迟来的正义即非正义 5.法律不仅仅要被实施,更要以人们看得见的方式实施.

{劳玉罚17088173874} 法律英语在线翻译“Conflicts Justice” Versus “Material Justice”[8](1) The fundamental theoretical dichotomyin the purposes of choice of law is between the ... - ______[答案] "冲突正义"与"实质正义" (1)在追求冲突正义的思想指导下,基本理论二分法的意义在于找一个“最适当的国家”并适用它提供的法律来解决有关多国法律冲突的实体问题.很明显,传统的冲突法制度也就是管辖权的选择规则,只注意选择适...

{劳玉罚17088173874} 法律英语翻译 谢谢了 - ______ Legal English is a specialized English with normative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source ...