
Cheer for them
So do I. Let's cheer for them.
B: So do I. Let’s cheer for them.
I cheer for them, but I can’t say they’re winning the fight, at least not yet.

Cheer for them

(郜例信13652057100)“向党喝彩:用英文该什么说 - ______ 虞其君解析: “向党喝彩”: cheer for the Party

(郜例信13652057100)在烈日下,同学们依然为运动健儿们加油喝彩.而运动健儿们仍然坚强的跑下去.加油吧! 把上面的句子翻... - ______ In the hot sun, students still for athletes refueling applause. And athletes still strong ran down. Come on !

(郜例信13652057100)在烈日下,同学们依然为运动健儿们加油喝彩.而运动健儿们仍然坚强的跑下去.把上面的句子翻...在烈日下,同学们依然为运动健儿们加油喝彩.而运动健儿们... - ______[答案] In the hot sun,students still for athletes refueling applause.And athletes still strong ran down.Come on !

(郜例信13652057100)加油 翻译成英语 ______ come on~cheer~采纳哦

(郜例信13652057100)英语翻译1.把句子翻译成英文:(1)我给妈妈挑选了一份特殊的礼物(2)他的话令格林先生非常生气2.完成对话.A:Hello,Lucy.Where are you going?B:I'm ... - ______[答案] 1)我给妈妈挑选了一份特殊的礼物-i have chosen a special gift for my mother. (2)他的话令格林先生非常生气-Mr Green was very angry at his words. 2.完成对话. A:Hello,Lucy.Where are you going? B:I'm going to have my piano lesson. A:1._are you ...

(郜例信13652057100)让我们为明天喝彩的英文句子 - ______ Let's cheer for tomorrow让我们为明天喝彩

(郜例信13652057100)...to cheer the achievements of women.她“鼓励”人们为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩.她“激励”着人们为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩.那个合适?句子不源于《新... - ______[答案] 如果翻译为她引导人们为……会比较好,本来inspire就有启发的意思,给予灵感的意思

(郜例信13652057100)"让世界为你喝彩"英语怎么说 - ______ Let/Make the world cheer/celebrate for you 可以变换说法

(郜例信13652057100)所有人再为你加油喝彩 英语 - ______ 所有人再为你加油喝彩 All people are cheering for you

(郜例信13652057100)把句子翻译成英语:每天在学校他们要上许多课. - ______[答案] They have a lot of lessons to learn everyday at school