

Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance. There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems——from computer systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems.

Visionary skills will be in demand. The ability to gather and absorb a wide range of input, then use that knowledge, understanding, and perspective to guide organization into future, will be vital.

Numbers and measurement will be important, of course, but smoothing the flow form month to month,from quarter to quarter will be essential for highly profitable long-term performance. Practically every company will have to move away from today's obsession with looking ahead only as far as the next financial reporting period.

Ability to organize will definitely be important in the corporation of the future. Everywhere there will be a need to organize something: resources, workflow, marketing mix, financial opportunities, and much more, all will demand high levels of organization and reorganization.

Persuasive skills will be used in many ways by the corporation of the future, the most-effective individuals will be those who know how to present information and ideas so that others can understand and support a particular position. Good salesmanship will be essential in many more interactions than we consider today, especially inside the organization.

Communication skills——careful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking,and accurate description——will be invaluable. In tomorrow's fast-paced business environment there will be precious little time to correct any misunderstandings. Communications breakdown may well become a fatal corporate disease.

Ability to learn will be above everything else in importance——empowering people to grow in effectiveness and help their companies achieve desired objectives. Some of this skill is innate, but many people enhance their ability to learn——and to relate different aspects of learning——through college and university courses. We believe the liberal arts education experience will prove to be the most valuable type of education for tomorrow's leaders.

The top employees of the coming century will be flexible, creative and motivated toward making a positive difference in the world. They will seek balance,growth and fulfillment in both their work and home environments. The corporation of the future must respond to these needs and desires; otherwise they will find themselves hampered by a lack of qualified people to accomplish the organization's work.












Visionary 想像的

Ability to organize 组织能力

Persuasive skills 说服能力

close reading 看得仔细

plain speaking 说得清楚

invaluable 无可估量的

flexible 灵活性

creative 创造性

hampered 限制

qualified 合格的





(郝成利15782591263)适合初中生练口语的文章,句子 - ______ 新概念,多听多读多背.虽然内容比较老套,不紧跟潮流,但这是地地道道标准的牛津英语,加油吧!

(郝成利15782591263)初一英语口语练习的文章 ______ 给你一篇我们的朗诵比赛的文章,非常好! Love Your Life热爱生活 --Henry David Thoreau/享利.大卫.梭罗 However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are ...

(郝成利15782591263)英语口语速成最快最适用的书籍和技巧? - ______ 前面几位朋友的回答都很有道理.多练习是不二法宝,去英语角等等也是很好的方法.不过勇气还好说,关键咱也得有东西说啊.所以背诵文章也是我非常推崇的一个方法,背诵些东西在肚子里存着,这真的非常有用.只是这个方法不能矫正咱...

(郝成利15782591263)想要提高自己的英语水平,有什么好的英文文章吗?谢谢 - ______ 好的英文文章 最好是英文原著:一、初级版本的:牛津大学出版社的《书虫系列》非常不错 而且适合词汇量在2500左右的学生.二、进阶版本的:新概念的第三、第四册;大学英语的教材都是非常好的教材,而且该教材系统讲述了英语学习的各个知识点 特别适合自学.三、实用阶段:直接进入英文的报纸、杂志阅读.比如说《经济学人》《华尔街日报》

(郝成利15782591263)本人高中,英语基础,口语极差,平常该怎么去提高呢?能否推荐几个适合我的英语口语训练资源链接 - ______ 1.多读.同一篇经典的文章, 如现在学的课文呀/新概念呀/阅读理解/完形填空呀,同一篇至少读100---200遍.效果,你----意想不到!--语感就是这么练习出来的读,不需要兴趣,也不累,效果好.很容易的方式拓展阅读:书虫系列中英对照,左边英...

(郝成利15782591263)英语口语该如何提升? ______ 分享一些洛基英语提高英语口语的一些方法:1大量的读背,多背诵经典范文,各种英语好的文章,背的越多,表达能力越强.2,口语我认为是死去活来,懂得九个W和一个H,采用多问的方式,还有别人一种表达方式,你要多种,3,多听英语材料或磁带,模仿地道的语音和语调,文章一定要读,背4,多做一些类似与句型转换的题型,懂得外国人的思维方式5,常去英语角,不到没有人,我不回来,平常多自言自语,多看外文小说和电影,扩大阅读量.

(郝成利15782591263)背诵什么英语文章对提高英语最有用 - ______ 要看你与谁交流,交流到什么程度.如果是日常生活最早一本书叫<英语900句>很简单很实用,很多日常用语都有. 如果没有,在网上搜搜不同场景下的英语日常用语,把它们读熟,记住就是,...

(郝成利15782591263)适合初一提升英语水平的文章 - ______ My Spring FestivalMy Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the...

(郝成利15782591263)如何提高英语口语水平 ______ 1、多看外国电影,让自己有语境的同时,学会外国语言的表达方式和礼仪. 2、有空时,多看看自己喜欢的英语资料,并在看的同时积累更多的陌生词. 3、用所学的陌生词写文章. 这3点很重要.

(郝成利15782591263)适合初一提升英语水平的文章 - ______ My Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. On New Year's Eve, my father and my uncle ...