
Because of him, I begin to love the color of sapphire blue
Because of him, I begin to love Super Junior
And because of him, I begin to learn how important one should stick to his dreams

He has never given up for the six years as an trainee. Despite being disappointed again and again, he still kept insisting. At that moment when he was awarded for U, he finally shed tears of excitement.

I fell in love with the color sapphire because of him;
I fell in love with the car "Super Junior" too on account of him;
Because of him, I realized how important it is to hold on to one's dreams.

During his six years working as an intern, he never gave up.
Time and time again he was disappointed, yet he kept on.
The moment 《U》won the award, tears of excitement flooded his eyes - at last.

Because of him, I fell in love with the sapphire.
Because of him,I fell in love with the Super Junior
Because of him,I've learned to stick to our own dream importance .
For the six years ,He has never given up as an trainee. Despite being disappointed again and again, he still kept insisting. At that moment when he was awarded for U, he finally shed tears of excitement.

I fell in love with dimond blue because of him;
I fell in love with Super Junior because of him;
I come to understand how important it is to stick to my dream because of him

because loving him ,like dimond;
because loving him ,i like Super Junior;
Because loving him, I realized that how important for holding on my dreams.

For him,I come to love real blue.
Just for him ,I come to love super Junior
Also for him ,I understand how much it is to insist my dream in the end

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(武贱翔17029761307)请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子!急阿!!!(高中及以上水平的!) ______ 1.It is hard for me to finish this task. 2.I've been living here for 6 years. 3.I don't know what should I dress up. 4.He may know nobody in the meeting. 5.I don't like coffee at all. 6.I was surprised when my friend invited me to play a role in his film. 7.I ...

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(武贱翔17029761307)求高人帮忙翻译英语句子 - ______ 1 the medicine which he ate was out of effect and he had not recovered2 Driving to work every day may consume a large mount of fuel3 writers get used to refresh themselves when they are writing 4 the boy has potential to become a pianist,but he ...

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