
Theory comes from practice and practice on a guiding role. In China the rule of law in the process, the rule of law has become an inevitable trend. China's building of the rule of law in these years has made gratifying achievements, but also has its own characteristics. Contemporary China's rule of law concept is on the socialist rule of law and beliefs, concepts and ideas. Establish the "rule of law and law enforcement for the people, equality, justice, serving the overall situation, the party's leadership" as the basic contents of the socialist concept of rule of law, bound to China's rule of law to promote the breadth and depth to provide spiritual impetus. So construct a modern concept of the rule of law, the legal system in China to achieve modernization and the building of the rule of law is of great significance.

heory is based on practice and practice guidance to produce. In our country's law construction process, the rule of law has become an inevitable trend. The rule of law in our country the construction over the years have made gratifying achievements, also have their own characteristics. Contemporary China is about the idea of rule of rule of law of socialism faith, concepts and ideas. Set up the "law and the law enforcement for people, fairness and justice, serve the, the party's leadership" as the basic contents of the socialist concept of rule by law, and it will bring the rule of law in our country the construction to provide the breadth and depth of spiritual power. Therefore, to build the modern idea of rule, for our country to realize legal system modernization construction and national law has important significance.

(氐戴瞿15098513013)求一篇英语短文!非常急!英语高手请进! ______ the development of the mobile phone If you look rasie your head and look the people around you ,there must one or two or even more are using their mobile phones .And what that mean ?May be you can see that it's the time of mobile phones .yes ,...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)急求英语高手翻译这篇文章,在线等 ______ 在意别人对你的看法?研究人员日前称,在意别人的流言蜚语会影响你的行为,包括你的慷慨程度. 北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特皇后大学的加里德·匹亚泽说:“事实证明,流言的力量的确很强大.” 匹亚泽和杰西·M·贝林格让72名大学生给自己...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)翻译!求高手翻译德尔菲法文章!~急要!!! - ______ Thenbsp;Delphinbsp;techniquenbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;methodnbsp;fornbsp;obtainingnbsp;forecastsnbsp;fromnbsp;anbsp;panelnbsp;ofnbsp;independentnbsp;expertsnbsp;overnbsp;twonbsp;ornbsp;morenbsp;rounds.nbsp;Expertsnbsp;arenbsp;...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)急求高手翻译下面的文章··速度谢谢了!快来人啊·····Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast ... - ______[答案] 丽江是滇西北高原上的一颗闪亮的宝石,毗邻被称为“世界屋脊”的青藏高原的东南部.它的风景和繁茂的植被给人留下深刻的印象. 丽江以玉龙雪山惊人的优美景色和北半球南端仅存的一种现代海洋冰川而扬名;虎跳峡,是世界闻名的大峡谷;泸沽...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)急求!!!!!这篇文章的英文翻译!高手进! ______ Once I was on my home way and bought somethings for my mother. Just at that moment, I came across a robbery. The robber who had been arrested made such a mistake just because of the temptation of that goods. I think if people could resist the ...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)求一篇关于文明礼仪,法制安全方面的英语演讲稿,不要太长的,快啊!谢了 - ______ My honor versus dishonor view, my position The male eagle brushes past the sky, row a beautiful of curve lie in it to sought to allow the position for a wings of oneself;The fierce tiger whistles the forest of , leaving a bright scenery, lying in it to sought to...

(氐戴瞿15098513013)有关英语法谚的翻译 - ______ Procedure is the dividing line between legal governing and unscrupulous governing.

(氐戴瞿15098513013)急急急!!!!!!!求高手为一篇英语文章翻译! ______ 我们在纽约、洛杉矶、多伦多、迈阿密、芝加哥,以及温哥华的公司工作人员:求职人员需要做什么才能有意个出色的面试?这是他们的一些忠告: 1.穿着整洁,不要凌乱.把头发梳整齐. 2.按时赶到,不要迟到,最好早点到 3.握手要有力,有力地握手显示出你是一个友善自信的人 4.看着面试官,眼神交流,有微笑 5.自习听面试官讲话.仔细听问题这样你可以回答准确 6.礼帽回答,说话不要太快,也不要太大声或太温柔. 7.诚恳回答,说真话 8.自信说话.完整描述你的技能和经验.如果你没有经验,你可以说一说你学东西很快. 9.热情回答,显示出你很想的到这份工作. 10.及时发一封感谢信.谢谢面试官的宝贵时间并再次说明你对这份工作的渴望(兴趣).