英语 翻译 句子 语法

1. 原文:Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscrapers was not a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.
2. 概述:省略主语you的祈使句,但不是简单句,而是主从复合句,主句是(You)Imagine a world,其中imagine是谓语动词,a world是宾语。从句很长,以关系副词where引导,是宾语world的后置定语从句。
3. ​从句充分分析:where building the tallest skyscrapers(动名词短语做主语) was(系动词) not (否定词)a race of height(名词表语), but rather(副词状语) one(并列表语) to collect the most solar energy(动词不定式做one的后置定语)

Imagine 谓语
a world 宾语
where building the tallest skyscraper was not
a race of height , but rather one to collect the most solar energy. 定语从句 修饰 a world .在定语从句中 where 关系副词作地点状语, building the tallest skyscraper 是从句的主语
was 系动词
not a race of height , but rather one to collect the most solar energy. 表语
其中 表语用 not ....... but rather......连接两个并列表语a race 和 one (指代 a race ) ,
of height ,介词短语作 a race 的 后置定语 ,动词不定式短语 to collect the most solar energy 作 one 的后置定语。
这个句子主句是一个祈使句,省略了主语 you,
从句是由where 引导的含有主系表结构的定语从句。

image a world 主句,后面where引导的是定从

(荆晴卓19528128071)翻译英文句子(请说明语法结构) ______ They indicated where it was they thought it would lead. 他们指明了他们所认为它将指引的方位. 由indicate引导的宾语从句,以及由they thought it would lead修饰的定语从句.

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语句子翻译和语法分析 - ______ 然而,更吸引我的是,它能让我帮到更多的人.语法分析: (1)however是转折连词,后面都是however引导的并列分句. (2)the fact与that it allows me to help more people这一从句是同位语的关系. (3)the fact that it allows me to help more ...

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语翻译和句子的语法 - ______ 翻译:他(曾经)是个对人友好的失败者,甚至当别人对他不仁时他也这样. 语法:Who was kind even when others were unkind to him 是定语从句修饰the underdog, 然后定语从句里又有一个状语从句when others were unkind to him.主句是:He was the underdog

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语句子翻译 语法得准确 (在线等,急 !!) ______ 1. It can be closer to the relationship between people, eliminating apathy among people in large cities, and promote social harmony 2. Embrace the tradition of foreign copy can not be simple, regardless of the habit of the Chinese people will be people embarrassment.

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语一句话,翻译和解释句子语法 - ______ 有个习语: in the lap of the gods 翻译成:在神的掌控之中,难以预料的 lot 签 名词 is cast被投进 被掷进, 被动语态 lap 名词 口袋的意思 字面上的翻译是:把签投入口袋中,但是决定是来自于上帝的 可转译为:世事难料

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语句子翻译和语法 ______ 其实按正常使用习惯来说, to be blamed才是正确的,但是为了简便使用,用to blame代替,大家都这么说,简明快捷,所以就习惯了.所以在某种程度上说,想分析“to blame”的语法及句子成分是不现实的.就是一种习惯用法罢了,没必要深究太多. 翻译: 我们中很多人认为他的父母(对某件事)应该负责.

(荆晴卓19528128071)英语翻译麻烦讲解一下你翻译的句子中的语法谢谢咯! - ______[答案] The girls here are more beautiful than those there. those可以代替句子中提到的可数名词复数形式,这里代替的是girls.

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