
答:A good beginning is half done.良好的开端等于成功的一半。Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。Action is...


答:1 英语常用远代词that表明前面提到的东西,汉语中则用近代词。2 当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对内宾开放at the time, the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors .3 她对自己所取得的成就充满...

答:你可以提供任何证据支持这个句子吗?1.The source of a river is the spring at which it begins.河流的源头就是它开始的泉源。2.The church had still another source of income.教会还有另外的收入。3.The news comes...

答:1、办公室里一个人也没有。(left)There's no one left in the office.3、学生们轮流大声朗读课文。(take turns doing)The students took turns reading textbooks out alound.4、大熊猫是一种濒危动物。(endangered...

答:1.He brougt out a map from his bag.2.Please do as what I told you.3.Speaking plays an important role in English study.4.Now that everyone is here,let begin our meeting.5.It's a bad habit to ...

答:1.足球让我充满激情 Football makes me be full of passion.2.我喜欢所有的大学 I like all the universities.3.我的家庭是一个充满爱和笑的三口之家,每天都会发生有趣的事,我爱我的家.My family is a three-...


答:句子翻译如下。他很喜欢诗歌,特别是唐诗。(in particular)。He likes poetry very much, in particular Tang poetry.这份报告的第二部分提到的许多具体问题需要马上解决(section;concrete)。Many of the concrete problems ...



{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子 - ______ 1.对有些人来说,赞美别人可能是再自然不过的事(pay...a compliment) To some people,it can't be more natural to pay others a compliment . 2.这一款机器在很多方面都超过了其竞争对手(superior) This kind of machine is superior to it's ...

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子英译汉 - ______ 1)How do you think who can have that job? 2)HuoLi and his great friend are both like do somethings? 3)My'teacher is loving with students. 4)Ma Liya is cleverest of other girls,she has good grades. 5)Is don't important for me.

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子英语句子 ______ 1.operate on 2.stay away from 3.is, set off 4.are divided into 5.hold on to

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 英语翻译句子 ______ 1, this is why English has become one kind of regulation language having many making people be at a loss (a substantive clause) 2, our school has been before appearance no longer. (A substantive clause) 3, this is that Lu Xun had once lived ...

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子 - ______ 1. This film helps to help you understand China's past and present.2. This building academic buildings should be put into use after 5 years.3. Shenzhen has become a modern city.4. The Grea...

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子 - ______ 夫人之有一能,而使后人尚之如此,况仁人庄士之遗风余思,被于来世者何如哉! 一个人有一技之长,就能使后人像这样尊重他;何况那些品德高尚、行为端庄的人,遗留下来令人思慕的美好风范,对于后世的影响那...

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 英语句子翻译 - ______ in another moment这是时间状语,也可以放在句尾. 重点是down went Alice after it,这是倒装句.表示方向的副词(如down,up,out,in,off,on,away等)或拟声词(如bang,crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除...

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 英语翻译句子 - ______ I have not yet received his letter.或者I have not yet heard from him .We went to tne museum last week.It is difficult for her to learn French.You had better not fight with your classmates.

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 英译汉在线翻译句子 - ______ 你是我无尽的爱

{蒙楠瞿15940375888} 翻译句子 - ______ our lines are mainly exp imp of light industrial products. 我们的方法主要经验是加强轻工...