
英语作文:你对网上交友有什么看法?有的人说好,有的人说不好。假如在辩 ...
答:the Internet. Making internet friends is similar to making pen pals. There are many well known sites that offer decent internet friendship. One can find numerous people on these sites who share similar ...

答:Similar degree 相似度 四、双语例句 1.He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.他说他明年还愿意接受类似的挑战。2.To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of ...

As to whether the visitors to heritage sites are ……有谁帮我翻译...

答:Before you go to the job interview, spend adequate time conducting research to find out average salaries and salary ranges for similar jobs in your area, industry and geography. Websites for salary research include: ...

答:[英][ʌn'əθɪd][美][ʌn'əθɪd]adj.出土的(考古);v.发掘或挖出某物( unearth的过去式和过去分词 ); 搜寻到某事物,发现并披露;例句:1.Similar archaeological sites have ...

答:The dog also has the similar view, is the dog does not get on well with others.The dog also has dog's dog reason, has been natural, some dogs like alone playing, this also is creates the dog to se...

答:The historical ruins vestige is the humanity the historical traces which, the ruins, the relic stays behind in the developing process, was the ancient times people adapts the nature, the use nature and the ...

答:我使用MACROMEDIA Corporation DreamweaverMX 制造页, 做连接数据库以JAVA 语言做法, 使用ORACLE 制造系统数据库, 牌子有新闻浏览, 新闻查寻, 增量新闻, 更新新闻和删除新闻作用小网站信息管理系统。我是行动根据我们的公司网站...

答:MBI, and BOP % (the percent of bleeding on probing sites to the total sites in the whole mouth after examination). The shape and color changing of gum edge and gum nipple could also be used as basic i...

答:Similar to viruses, worms can propagate via email, web sites, or work-based software. The automated self-propagation of worms distinguishes them from viruses. Trojan horses - A Trojan horse program is software that claims...


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