

It's time to go to bed./ It's time for bed.

2. 老师叫我们上课不要讲话。
The teacher asked us not to talk in class./The teacher asked us to keep quilt in class.

3. 妈妈允许我做完作业后玩网络游戏。
Mum allowed me to play computer games if I finished my homework./ Mum gave me a permission of playing computer if I finished my homework.

4. 我有一些重要的事要告诉你。
I have something important to tell you./I want to tell you something important.

5. 我晚上没有什么重要的事要做。
I have nothing important to do tonight./ I am available with nothing important to do tonight.

6. 疾病与缺少运动甚至不运动有关。There is something to do with/has something to do with
There is something to do between diseases and lacking sports or even none-sports./ Diseases have something to do with lacking sports or even none-sports.

7. 我的Ipod坏了。 There is something wrong with
There is something wrong with my Ipod./ My Ipod is broken down.

8. 我认为有必要和你谈一谈。Find it + adj to do
I find it necessary to have a talk with you./ I find having a talk with you is necessary.

9. 我发现和他讲道理是没有用的。
I find it' useless to speak rationally to him./ I think talking rationally with him doesn't work at all.

10. 我宁死不屈。(4种方式)Prefer to do sth. rather than do st (等)
I prefer to die rather than surrender./ I perfer death to surrender./ I would rather die than surrender./ Rather than surrender, I prefer to die./

11. 你有必要每天练习说英语。It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.
It's necessary for you to practise speaking English every day./
To practise speaking English every day is necessary for you.
12. 外面在下雨,你最好带上雨伞。had better do sth
It's raining outside. You had better bring the umbrella with you.

13. 他用了10年掌握了英语。 It takes sb. st. to do sth.
It takes him 10 years to master English./
He spent 10 years (in) mastering English.
14. 你介意我问你的年龄吗?一点也不介意。Mind doing sth.
Do you mind my asking your age? Not at all.
Do you mind if I ask your age?/ Not at all.

15. 他钢琴弹得很好。Be good at/ do well in doing sth
He is good at playing piano./ He does well in playing piano.

Time to go to bed.
better go to sleep.
2. 老师叫我们上课不要讲话。
The teacher told us not to talk in class.

3. 妈妈允许我做完作业后玩网络游戏。
My mom allows me to play online games after finishing my homework.

4. 我有一些重要的事要告诉你。
I've sth important to tell you.

5. 我晚上没有什么重要的事要做。
I have nothing important to do at night.
6. 疾病与缺少运动甚至不运动有关。There is something to do
with/has something to do with

7. 我的Ipod坏了。 There is something wrong with

8. 我认为有必要和你谈一谈。Find it + adj to do
I find it necessary to have a talk with you.

9. 我发现和他讲道理是没有用的。
I found it impossible to reason with him.
10. 我宁死不屈。(4种方式)Prefer to do sth. rather than do st (等)

11. 你有必要每天练习说英语。It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.
It's better for you to practice English everyday.
12. 外面在下雨,你最好带上雨伞。had better do sth
You'd better take the umbrella because it's raining outside.
13. 他用了10年掌握了英语。 It takes sb. st. to do sth.
It took him 10 years to master English.
14. 你介意我问你的年龄吗?一点也不介意。Mind doing sth.
Do you mind telling me your age? Not at all.
15. 他钢琴弹得很好。Be good at/ do well in doing sth
He is very good at playing piano.

1:It's time to go to bed.
Go to bed early.
2:Teacher tells us don't talk in class.
4:I have something important to tell you.
5:I don't have anything important to do this evening.

(敞鸣党19883891510)一个英语句子的翻译----高手进Two weeks later, 【the names of the team runners were called】. Joey was number six on the list. 【Joey had made the team】. ... - ______[答案] 参考如下: Joey 成就了这个团队 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 以后有问题可以直接向我或【海纳百川团】提问哦~ 请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,

(敞鸣党19883891510)翻译句子 英语高手进 - ______ 她在廿三里(这不是很清楚,你打错了?还是指距离的?)初中七年级八班学习 She is in Class 8 Grade7 of the middle school about 23 miles .(我看成学校离这儿有23里远) 何老师(已婚)是她的英语老师,她很和蔼 Mr.He is her English teacher ,who is very kind. 听老师说 Listen to your teacher ! 他们的椅子 their chairs I's Gine Green(改错) I am Gine Green= I'm Gine Green.

(敞鸣党19883891510)英语高手 进!翻译几个句子The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. You stupid... - ______[答案] 你学得越多,知道越多,就越知道,你越是忘记.你越是忘记,你不知道.你笨抖!什么是愚蠢笨蛋!一要热爱动物.他们是这么好吃.成功男人背后有一个女人.后面每一个不成功的人,有两个.一要热爱动物.他们是这么好吃的享受自己,...

(敞鸣党19883891510)几个英语句子翻译... 英语高手进啊.. ______ 1 I treat it as my friends. 2 It is all I own. 3 It supports me a lot. 4 It is the sign of friendship.

(敞鸣党19883891510)一个英语句子的翻译 - --高手进 - ______ hold up--耽搁 got hold up= was hold up got 系动词

(敞鸣党19883891510)英语高手请进~~~翻译句子~~~ - ______ 我不想我的房子四面高墙,窗户密不透风.文明之风能自由吹拂,而我也不会被狂风刮的站不住脚.

(敞鸣党19883891510)翻译英语句子 高手进 - ______ 1 如今,随着 的快速发展和进步,越来越多的 在日常生活中广泛使用 2 的数字化普及很大影响着我们的工作、 学习和日常生活. 一方面 但在另一方面. 3总之 , 就像一把双刃剑. 有了他们,我们在生活中有较少的麻烦和比较好的经济条件. 但是,有一点该被应铭记,那就是作为他们的主人我们应该合理利用

(敞鸣党19883891510)英语高手进,帮忙翻译个句子? ______ Begin to ask yourself every day over his good from now on? After living for themselves! 望楼主采纳

(敞鸣党19883891510)英语高手进翻译句子 ______ 都可以,用got强调刚刚有话要说,had强调早就有话.

(敞鸣党19883891510)英语高手进,翻译句子(请人工翻译,谢) ______ 34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了. --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来. (I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.----Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.) 35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西. (Grandma asked ...