
答:remember," or unit of choose and employ persons that all the above statements do disadvantage. This has caused the evidence difficult. Workers party The author thinks that the correct application, constructive system can help in this situation.以上为 有道桌面词典 翻译结果,仅供参考。

一词 有多种翻译 但在法律英语中“under”和“

答:trustee 是受委托人

答:违法性认识是一个比较古老的话题。Knowledge of illegality is a relatively old topic.它最早可以追溯到古罗马法格言“不知法律不免责”。It harks back to Roman law maxim "do not know law exemption".但随着社会发展和法律体系的日益完善,违法性认识的理论进入到人们的视线,司法实践中更加丰富了...

答:应该来说,是法律文件的意思,要表达其他文书,公文等,用其他词比较好。以上截图是朗文英英词典截图,第5点的意思:something that is used to hit or hurt someone 此处就是工具的意思。例句是 Death was due to a blow on the head with a blunt instrument....

答:Judge right to release tomorrow a judge in civil proceedings in the implementation of a legal action is extreme and the parties debate the appropriate constraints, the process in the civil proceedings, the judge discharged out through the exercise of the right to exchange information ...

法律英语a default entilement翻译
答:法律词组 a default entilement应翻译为 固有权力即国家机关固有的职权 希望对你有所帮助,仅供参考

答:内容摘要:离婚损害赔偿制度是规定配偶一方因其过错行为,不法侵害配偶他方基于配偶身份所享有的合法权益,导致婚姻关系破裂,配偶他方得请求赔偿其财产上的损失和非财产上的损失的民事法律制度。Content abstract: divorce compensation for damage regulation is a regulation for its fault spouse other ...

答:你好。可能要稍微修改下。如下:Our country "contract law" the first paragraph of article 5 of 52 violates laws, administrative rules and regulations, mandatory provisions of contract is invalid. The provisions of the contract shall be invalid seem made clear concept definition in ...

答:by Article III and guarantees from the acquisition within three years effective from the date of closing (compensation period)(4) This agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the HKSAR, and according to its interpretation of 参考资料:翻译机翻的,参考使用,专业术语请查法律英语 ...


{秦差复13847406376} 法律英语 中译英 - ______ 我把开头和结尾修改了一下 Part A and Part B finally reached an agreement which settled the dispute through negotiations and withdrawn the suit from the court.

{秦差复13847406376} 法律英语翻译 - 一个词!predecessorininterest ______ predecessorininterest可翻译成:“前利益相关人”.相关词条还有:前任人[predecessor]先前的所有权持有人[predecessorintitle]法律上的前任人[legalpredecessor]前任受托人[predecessortrustees]以下是关于“predecessorininterest”的英文解释:predecessorininterest[predecessorininterest]:apersonwhopreviouslyheldtherightsorinterestscurr

{秦差复13847406376} 法律英语翻译,拜托了! - ______ 1、经审查,如果领事处发现申请满足第九条第一、三款之规定,即持有符合部长理事会通过的法案的有效旅行证件且支付签证费,其应按有效申请予以受理并做进一步处理.2、如果不满足第一款之规定,该申请无效,外交或领事部门应立即将申请书及其他材料返还申请人、销毁采集的该人生物信息并退还签证费,停止进一步工作.3.例外:该申请不符合上述第一款之规定,但因人道考虑或国家利益需要,亦可予以受理.

{秦差复13847406376} 法律英语 翻译成英文 - ______ Negotiorum gestio system is a long-standing legal system, by the thousands of years of development, in the continental law system countries have established a complete system. The research for negotiorum gestio system in China is less, system is...

{秦差复13847406376} 法律翻译英译汉319法律翻译:英译汉319 - commercial ______ 319条款 定义 为本章内容制定 价格低微可予不计的商业样品意指下列情况:(单个或整批入境的样品)总价值不超过一美元,或同等价格的另一缔约方货币的商业样品;污损、撕裂、穿孔或因其它人为原因导致无法出售使用,只能用作商业样品的货物. For purposes of this Chapter怎样理解?

{秦差复13847406376} disclosure schedules(法律英语) - ______ disclosure schedules 披露信息表 Schedule of Exceptions 例外情况列表 例句:Except as set forth on a Schedule of Exceptions delivered by the Company to Purchaser at the closing of the issuance and sale of the Shares (the “Closing”), the ...