
Content abstract: divorce compensation for damage regulation is a regulation for its fault spouse other unlawful infringement behavior, spouse enjoys a spouse identity based on the lawful rights and interests of the breakdown of their marriage, spouses caused such may request compensation losses on the property and the property losses of civil law system.

Our 2001 modified "marriage law", for the first time in matrimonial and family law established during the divorce compensation for damage regulation, but the system's own existence many imperfect.

In actual life by a party concerned because of family violence, bigamy, cohabitation, on account of the maltreatment or desertion of the divorce act caused suffered physical and mental suffering has far exceeded the property damage can be calculated.

This paper mainly through the "pack two milks" and bigamy phenomenon and lead to divorce introduced four legal situation about divorce compensation for damage of the mental damage compensation behavior, and the corresponding legal remedy to defend the innocent party, the legitimate rights and interests.

Keywords: bigamy;

The mental damage compensation;


Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage breakdown, the spouse the other party may claim compensation for their property losses and losses on non-property the civil legal system. Amended in 2001 in China the "Marriage Law", the first time in marriage and family law, divorce damage compensation system established, but there are many imperfections in the system itself. Parties in real life due to domestic violence, bigamy, cohabitation, abuse, abandonment and divorce caused by acts of physical and mental pain suffered far more than financial losses can be calculated. In this paper, through the "second wives" and bigamy phenomenon and led to a divorce case focuses on the four statutory damages on divorce damages in the spirit of the act, and the corresponding legal remedies to defend the legal rights of the innocent party.
Key words: bias; mental damages; abuse

Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage breakdown, the spouse the other party may claim compensation for their property losses and losses on non-property the civil legal system. Amended in 2001 in China the "Marriage Law", the first time in marriage and family law, divorce damage compensation system established, but there are many imperfections in the system itself. Parties in real life due to domestic violence, bigamy, cohabitation, abuse, abandonment and divorce caused by acts of physical and mental pain suffered far more than financial losses can be calculated. In this paper, through the "second wives" and bigamy phenomenon and led to a divorce case focuses on the four statutory damages on divorce damages in the spirit of the act, and the corresponding legal remedies to defend the legal rights of the innocent party.

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